Pay Scale Upgaradation from Grade Pay of Rs 4200 to 4600 including grant of effect of Bunching | Dated 11.05.2022
Dte Gen of Personnel/CSCC
Military Engineer Services
E-in-Chiefs Branch
Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg
New Delhi ~ 110011
CC-B/77030/VICPC/Upgradation-Bunching/CSCC | 11th May 2022
CRO (Officers) Delhi Cantt
New Delhi -110010
6th Pay COmmission Upgradation of pay Scale of RS 6500-10500 In grade pay of Rs 4200 to Rs 7450-11500 in Grade Pay of Rs 4600 including grant of effect of Bunching.
1. Refer Part B section |. Para (ii) of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008 published by Deptt of Expenditure GSR.622 (E) dated 29 Aug 2008 and further clarification vide OM No.F.No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13 Nov 2009.
2. Alarge number of representations have been received from individuals as well as from service associations regarding anomaly in pay fixation in the grade pay of Rs 4800/-
3. As per the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008, the pre-revised scale of Rs 6500-10500 is to be upgraded to the pre revised scale of Rs 7450 -11500 with the grade pay of Rs 4600/-. The matter was again clarified vide DoE/MoF OM No. F.No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13 Nov 2009 as per the OM, the pay scale of Rs 6500 -200 -10500 is to be upgraded to the pay scale of Rs 7450 -11500 with grade pay of Rs 4600/- as per illustration 4A annexed to CCS (RP) Rules 2008.
4. Several court case have been filed by the individuals and the pay fixation of the individuals have been implemented after judgment of the Hon'ble courts, in accordance with illustration 44,
5. In view of the above, it is requested to take up case with audit authorities to fix the pay of affected individuals in the manner given in illustration 44 mentioned above so that further litigation in the case can be avoided. The outcome may be intimated to this section for taking further necessary action.
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