LDC IPO Exam MCQ/Quiz | GDS to MTS/Postman/PA/SA Exam MCQ | Postal Exam MCQ Set - 09
Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.
MCQs On PSD, MCQs on International Tracked Packet Service (ITPS)
1. Government of india press ( one of the PSD/CSD ) is located at
A Nashik
B Aligarh
C Nagpur
D Bhopal
2. India security press ( CSD ) is located at ?
A Aligarh
B Nashik
C Bhopal
D Nagpur
3. Supply of stamp and seals for post office by
A PSD Aligarh
B CSD Nashik
C PSD Nagpur
D PSD Bhuvaneshwar
4. Two type of savings schemes passbook were introduced the SB orders ?
A 10/2017
B 12/2018
C 15/2019
D 18/2020
5. Savings Bank Account (SB-5) Passbook has_____number of pages ?
A 10
B 12
C 16
D 18
6. Disposal of obsolete froms were destroyed by fire was modified in to shredding method.which is mentioned in?
A 307&308 of Volume 2
B 305&306 Of Volume 5
C 303&304 of Volume 7
D 301&302 of volume 6
7. How many countries are being served with ITPS (International Tracked Packet Service)?
A 13
B 14
C 15
D 16
8. Who is competent authority to grant 180 days ML(Maternity Leave) to GDS ABPM ?
A Sub Divisional Head
B Postmaster General
C Circle Head
D Divisional Head
9. When ITPS (International Tracked Packet) Service started ?
A June 2015
B July 2016
C October 2017
D November 2018
10. Which of the following Bar code series is used for booking ITPS ?
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