JAG/SAG/HAG of Indian Postal Service (IPoS) Group A Officers Promotion and Postings 2022
Promotion and postings of senior Administrative Grade (SAG/JAG/HAG) officers of Indian postal services Group 'A' to Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) of the service and transfer posting of regular HAG officers of Indran Postal Service, Group 'A' - regarding'
The president is pleased to order promotion of the following Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Indian Postal Service, Group 'A' to the Higher Administrative Grade Service (HAG) in level 15 of the pay Matrix (1,82,200/ - 2,24,100/-))with effect from the date of assumption of charge of the post and until further orders. Consequent upon their promotion, tht officers are posted as mentioned below:
2. Download SAG IPos Officers Transfer Order in PDF
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