GDS Recruitment Notification 2022 | GDS Model Notification | GDS (Gramin Dak Sevaks) Online Engagement Notification
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement of 38,926 Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)as BPM/ABPM/ Dak Sevak. Application are to be submitted online at Applications submitted through any other mode will not be considered and rejected. Details of vacant posts for which applications are called for are given in Annexure I.
2. Engagement Schedule is as under:
(i) Application Submission Start Date: 02/05/2022
(ii) Application Submission End Date: 05/06/2022
3. Emoluments of GDS: Emoluments in the form of Time Related Continuity Allowance(TRCA) is paid to GDS.The following minimum TRCA shall be payable to different categories of GDS after engagement:
Note 1: OM. No.17 31/2016 GDS dated 25.06.2018 related to payment of TRCA and other allowances to all approved categories of GDS is available on under Employee Corner, Circulars, Rules and Latest Orders GDS.
Note 2: GDS are holder of a Civil posts but they are outside of regular Civil Services of Union of India.
3 GDS are governed by GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules,2020issued vide OM. No. 17-30/2019 GDS dated 14.02.2020 and amended from time to time, is available on under Employee Corner Circulars, Rules and Latest Orders,GDS.
Minimum TRCA for 4 Hours/Level 1 in TRCA Slab
i. BPM Rs. - Rs 12,000/-
ii.ABPM/DakSevak - Rs. 10,000/-
4. Eligibility of GDS
1. Minimum age:18 years
2. Maximum age:40 years
3. Age will be determined as on the last date of submission of application as per notification.
4.Permissible relaxations in Upper age limit for different categories are as
1* There will be no relaxation in upper age limit to EWS candidates. However, the persons belonging to EWS who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SC, ST and OBC shall get 10% reservation in engagement to the GDS posts.
The instructions issued by the Department vide no.19 11/97 ED & TRG dated 27.11.1997, No. 17 08/2017 GDS dated 26.02.2019and No. 17 09/2019 GDS dated 26.02.2019providing for adequate representation of SC/ST/OBC communities, Persons with Disability and Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) respectively will continue to apply. Thepermissible disability for personswith Disability will be as given below in GDS
Name of the Posts
BPM/ ABPM/ DakSevaks
Categories of disability suitable for the post.
a) Low vision (LV),
b) D(Deaf), HH (Hard of hearing),
c) One Arm (OA), One leg (OL), Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victim,
d) Specific learning disability.
Multiple disabilities from amongst disabilities mentioned at (a) to (d) above except Deaf and Blindness.
5. Educational Qualification for GDS
Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 10th standard having passed in Mathematics and English (having been studied as compulsory or elective subjects) conducted by any recognized Board of School Education by the Government of India/State Governments/ Union Territories in India shall be a mandatory educational qualification for all approved categories of GDS.
6. Compulsory knowledge of Local Language
The candidate should have studied the local languagei.e. (Name of Local language) at least up to 10th standard [as compulsory or elective subjects].
7. Knowledge of Cycling
Knowledge of Cycling is a pre requisite condition for all GDS posts. In case of a candidate having knowledge of riding a scooter or motor cycle, that may be considered as knowledge of cycling also. The candidate has to submit a declaration to this effectin Annexure III.
8. Adequate alternate means of Livelihood
The candidate applying for the post shall note that he/she shall have adequate means of livelihood as stipulated in Rule 3 A (iii) of GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2020to support himself/ herself and his/ her family from other sources so as to supplement his/her income. However, this shall not be a pre requisite for candidates for the purpose of selection. Selected candidate shall be required to comply with this condition within 30 days after selection but before engagement. The candidate shall furnish an undertaking in the application form itself in Annexure IVthat he/ she has other sources of income besides the allowances to be paid by the Government to support livelihood for himself/ herself and his/her family. The candidate after selection as GDS shall have to give the undertaking again before engagement.
9. No person holding an elective office will be considered for engagement to the post.
10. The candidate selected as GDS shall not engage in any activity with any outside agency, which would be detrimental to the business or interest of the Post Office.
11. Past experience or service of any kind will not be considered for selection.
12. Residence and Accommodation for locating Branch Post Office
(i) The candidates must provide accommodation for Branch Post Office after selection but before engagement. A declaration to this effect with details of accommodation is to be submitted before engagement. This condition is applicable for GDSBPM post only. GDS BPM is required to reside in Post village only and ABPMs/Dak Sevaks are required to reside within delivery jurisdictions of the Post Office (HO/SO/BO) concerned. The accommodation should meetthe following prescribed
(a) Branch Post Office may function in a building owned by Gram Panchayat or Central government or by State government such as
school or offices or BPM’s own house or a proper rented accommodation at a busy place of the village(Gram Panchayat building, where available, is preferred). The accommodation for the GDS Branch Office should be exclusively available for Post Office use. It may work from a village shop but Post office working from shop should have an exclusive space to keep the registers, micro ATM or hand held device and other items apart from space for prominently exhibiting the signage etc. giving due importance to Post Office.
(b) Location The GraminDakSevak Branch Office (GDS BO) should be located in the main busy part of the village.The candidate selected forthe engagement of BPM shall have to provide centrally located accommodation in the Branch Post Office village within 30 days for use as Post Office premises and the expenditure of the hiring, if any, needs to be borne by the candidate.
(c) Size The minimum size of GDS Branch Office should not be less than 100 sq. feet preferably in 10’x10’ dimensions and atground floor.
(d) Approach The GDS Branch Office should have direct access/approach from village road and should be located in front portion of the building in which it is housed. The GDS BO should not be housed in Verandas,Courtyards, Kitchen, SPWC under the stairs, bed room, damaged rooms, make shift accommodations, isolated buildings outside the village etc. which are difficult to access/approach by the Customers.
(e) Structure The GDS Branch Office accommodation should preferably be a Brick and Mortar structure to ensure safety and security. The room should be properly ventilated and lighted and should be properly maintained and neatly white washed.
(f) Power supply The post office room should have electrical power connection for charging of handheld devices and for fan, electricity bulb etc. It should have suitable place to install solar panels as well provided by Department.
(g) At present DARPAN devices are using Network ServiceProviders(NSPs)like Airtel, Vodafone/Idea, BSNL&Jio for ensuring connectivity to Branch Post Offices. While providing accommodation for GDS BO, it should be ensured that, Network is available for any one of these NSPs or any other NSP(s) if so allowed by Department of Posts.
Further, it is clarified that the candidate who provide the above prescribed standards of accommodation after selection but before engagement and if he is engaged as GDS BPM will be entitled for the drawl of Composite allowance @ Rs. per month. If the candidate is selected and engaged where the Branch Post Office is accommodated in a rent free accommodation, he/she will be entitled for Composite allowance Rs. equal to that of BPMs who provide non standard accommodation (i.e. accommodation that does not fulfill above standards is treated as non standard accommodation).
13. Production of SC/ST/OBC/Disability/ Economically Weaker Sections Certificate.
Production of SC/ST/OBC/disability/EWSs certificate in the prescribed format is compulsory in case of such candidates.
14. Method of Submission of Application and Fee
Application can be submitted online only at Applications received through any other mode shall not be entertained.
Fee: A fee of Rs.100/--/--(Rupees one hundred only) is to be paid by the applicants for all posts notified in the chosen Division. However, payment of fee is exempted for all female candidates, SC/ST candidates, PwD candidates and Transwomen candidates.
15. How to (a) Candidate who desires to apply online for GDS Post will have to register himself / herself in the portal through with the following basic details to obtain the Registration
i) Name (In capital letter as per X class certificate Marks Memo including spaces)
ii) Father’s Name / Mother’s Name
iii) Mobile Number
iv) Email ID
v) Date of Birth
vi) Gender
vii) Community
viii) PwD Type of Disability (HH/OH/ Percentage of disability
ix) State in which Xth class passed
x) Language studied in Xth class
xi) Year of Passing Xth class
xii) Scanned Passport Photograph
xiii) Scanned Signature
(b) Only one Registration is allowed for one candidate for schedule 1 & 2 in a calendar Year. The same registration number should be used for submission of applications.Once registered the same mobile number will not be allowed for further Registrations of any other candidate. In case any duplicate Registration is found by altering the basic details, the candidature relating to all such Registrations will be removed for consideration of selection.Any candidate who forgot the registration number can retrieve the registration number through option ‘Forgot registration’.
(c) The candidates must have own active email id and mobile number.
(d) Selection of Division and exercising
The candidate can select only one Division for submission of his/her candidature for all the eligible posts of the Selected Division.The candidate has to validate his/her details by giving Registration number and OTP sent to the registered mobile number. On selecting the Division, a list of all eligible posts (based on community and age) will be displayed against which candidate has to give his/her preference.Preference and option once exercised /submitted by the candidate is final and will not be changed under any circumstances. Hence, candidates should exercise due care. Candidate will not be considered for a post, for which he/she has not given/indicated his/her preference. However, only one post will be offered among all the posts
in a notification if she/he has applied for one or more posts in any one Division under any Circle. Example: If a candidate opts for five posts with preference post1, post2, post3, post4, post5 etc. and selected as meritorious in more than one post, the firstpost in the order of preference, against which he/she is found most suitable, will be offered and the candidature for all the remaining posts will be forfeited. However, basing on the merit, the candidate gets choice of post and on offering such post, his other preferences will be forfeited for consideration for other preferences.
16. Procedure of Fee
i. Applicants, except exempted category of candidate, should pay a fee of Rs. (Rupees one hundred) for all posts within the chosen Division. Candidate who requires to make the payment of fee may pay the fee through online mode of payment using the link provided for payment. All recognized Credit/Debit cards and Net Banking facility/ UPI can be used for this purpose. Charges applicable for usage of Debit/Credit cards and net banking as per the rules from time to time will be levied to the candidates. Fee may also be paidat any Head Post Office in India.
ii. For making the payment of fee the candidate should refer the Registration Number.
iii. Fee once paid will not be refunded. Hence, candidate is requested to ensure his/her eligibility for applying to particular Division before making the fee payment.
iv. Candidates who are exempted from payment of fee may apply online directly.
17. Uploading of
The candidates must upload the following documents in the formats and sizes as prescribed. Hence, it is advised to keep the scanned documents ready in softcopy form before applying online.
18. Submission of 10thClassmarks details:
Candidate has to submit the details of marks obtained in the 10thclass. In case the marksheet contains grades/points etc apart from marks, only marks need to be submitted. In cases where the board has awarded grades/points in place of marks, the same may be submitted in application.
19. An undertaking has to be submitted by the candidate in Annexure II declaring that he/she has adequate knowledge to operate computer Desktop/laptop/POS/mobile etc. to work on the Departmental software.
20. Job Profile od BPM/ABPM/Dak Sevak:
(i) BRANCH POSTMASTER (BPM) The Job Profile of Branch Post Master will include
a) Carrying out transactions (offline and online) of Branch Post Office and India Post Payments Bank(IPPB) using the handheld device/mobile device/smartphone. b) Marketing of Postal products and services, India Post Payments Bank services, various services provided by Customer Services Centres (CSC), procurement of business in the villages or Gram Panchayats within the jurisdiction of the Branch Post Office. This would include organizing melas and door to door canvassing for business requirements and popularising schemes of government.
c) Maintenance of records, upkeep of handheld device/mobile device/smartphone. d) Branch Postmaster has the overall responsibility of smooth and timely functioning of Post Office including mail conveyance and mail delivery. He/she might be assisted by Assistant Branch Post Master. BPM will be required to do combined duties of ABPMs as and when ordered. In some of the Branch Post Offices, there may not be ABPM post and the BPM has to do all the work of the BO. e) Any other work assigned by superiors like IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs etc. (ii) ASSISTANT BRANCH POSTMASTER (ABPM) The Job Profile of Assistant Branch Post Master will
a) Sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail at doorstep, deposits/payments/other transactions of IPPB. b) Assisting Branch Postmaster in counter duties using handheld device/mobile device/smartphone. c) Marketing of Postal products and services, India Post Payments Bank services, various services provided by Customer Services Centre’s(CSC), procurement of business in the villages or Gram Panchayats within the jurisdiction of the Branch Post Office. This would include organizing melas and door to door canvassing for business requirements and popularizing schemes of government. d) ABPM will also be required to do Combined Duty of BPMs as and when ordered. e) Any other work assigned by superiors like IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs etc. (iii) DAK SEVAK Dak Sevaks will be engaged in Departmental offices like Sub post offices, Head Post offices etc. The Job Profile of DakSevak will
a) Sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail at doorstep, deposits/payments/other transactions of IPPBand any other duties assigned by Postmaster/Sub Postmaster. b) Dak Sevaks may have to work in sorting offices of Railway Mail Service (RMS). c) Dak Sevaks in mail offices and Business Offices will handle receiving and dispatching of mail bag, transhipment of bags d) DakSevaks also have to assist Post Masters/Sub Postmasters in managing the smooth functioning of Departmental Post Offices and do marketing, business procurement or any other work assigned by the Post Master or IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs/SRM/SSRM etc.
(i) Selection will be made as per the system generated merit list based on the merit position of the candidate and the preference of posts submitted. This shall be subject to fulfilling of all eligibility criteria as per the rules.
(ii) Notice for documents verification will be sent only to the most suitable candidate for the post based on merit and preference submitted.
(iii) Provisionally selected candidatewhile attending to the Documents verification, the candidate has to come alongwith original documentsand one set of photo copies for submission. Adequate time will be given to selected candidate to report with original certificates for verification. If the verification is successful, provisional engagement order will be given. Else, the next candidate in merit will get the system generated email/SMS.
(iv) The provisional engagement letter will be issued through email and notified through SMS. In case there is no response within the given time in the said provisional engagement letter, a final reminder through email, sms and Registered Post will be sent giving additional time to report for joining. If there is still no response, the candidature shall be cancelled.
(v)No weightage will be given for higher educational qualification. Only marks obtained in 10th standard of approved Boards aggregated to percentage to the accuracy of 4 decimals will be the criteria for finalizing the selection. Passing of all the subjects as per the respective approved board norms is mandatory. However, the merit calculation will be made on the score of the subjects for which merit is considered as per the Board.
(vi) For applicants with marks, their total marks will be worked out by taking into account the marks obtained in the compulsory and elective/optional subjects (other than extra subjects, if any). (vii) For applicants having both Total Marks and Grading Point (i.e. mark list issued with total marks and grading point both), in such cases the method used will be as follows
“The candidate’s total marks will be worked out while ignoring the Grading Point; this methodology will ensure that candidate possessing higher marks will be selected.” (viii) For candidates having grades subject wise, marks will be arrived for each subject (compulsory and elective subjects but not extra subjects), by applying the multiplying factor of 9.5 in the following
(ix) Where Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is also provided, the marks will be arrived at by multiplying the CGPA by 9.5. Where individual grades in each subject as well as CGPA is given, the higher of the two marks will be taken. Where two or more candidates have equal marks, the candidate having the higher age (older candidate) will be given preference.
(x). Candidates having both marks and grades in the marks list have to apply with marks only. In case any candidate applies with grades only his application will be liable for disqualification.
(xi). In case candidates get the same marks, the merit order would be taken as DOB (higher age as merit), ST trans woman, ST female, SC trans woman, SC female, OBC trans woman, OBC female, EWS transwoman, EWS female, UR trans woman, UR female, ST trans male, ST Male, SC trans male, SC Male, OBC trans male, OBC male, EWS trans male, EWS male, UR trans male, UR male.
(xii). If a candidate opts for five posts with preference post1, post2, post3, post4, post5etc and selected as meritorious in more than one post, the post in the order of preference will be offered. The candidature for all the remaining posts will be forfeited.
(xiii) Applications submitted without complete data will be rejected.In case a candidate uploads wrong documents/information and unnecessary documents, candidature will be rejected. Similarly, in case the candidate enters marks erroneously either high or low with reference to marks list uploaded, the candidature will be rejected at the time of document verification.An undertaking will be obtained from the candidate in the format annexed as Annexure V.
(XIV) The selection process will be completed by 30th June/31st December of the corresponding year of notification. Applications pending after such date shall not be considered for engagement. Applications for which email/sms notification for documents verification is yet to be sent, shall be considered as pending. Such applications shall have no rights for engagement after 30th June/31st December of year of notification with respect to his/her application already submitted against this notification.
22. IMPORTANT Instructions
a. The Department of Posts and engaging authority of each post reserves the sole right to modify, cancel the notification of a post at any time without assigning any reason Or to stop ongoing process.Candidates should note that once the details of Registration or of application are submitted the details cannot be modified or altered. Such requests will not be entertained at any level.
b.Department of Posts is not responsible for non receipt of email/SMS by the candidate due to any specific reason or without any reason arising out of network services providers and other dependencies.
c. Department of Posts does not make any phone calls to the candidates. The correspondence, if any, is made with candidates through respective Engaging Authority only. Candidates are advised not to disclose their personal information/registration number/ mobile numbers/emailids to others and be guarded against any unscrupulous phone calls.
d. Candidate can view his/her application status in the website by providing the registration number and mobile number till the results are announced.
For Queries, Division wise helpdesk and mobile numbers are provided in the website.
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