SB Order 06/2022 | Printing and Supply of AAR Books, ASLAAS-5 Cards and POSB Cheques by Department of Posts (DOP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SB Order 06/2022 | Printing and Supply of AAR Books, ASLAAS-5 Cards and POSB Cheques by Department of Posts (DOP)

 SB Order No. 06 / 2022. SB Order 06/2022. 

Printing and Supply of AAR Books, ASLAAS-5 Cards and POSB Cheques by Department of Posts (DOP).

At present, the following Savings Bank related forms / stationeries are printed and supplied by National Savings Institute (NSI), New Delhi.

(i).  Authorized Agents Receipt (AAR) Books - Cash and Cheque for SAS agents.

(ii) ASLAAS-5 Cards for MPKBY agents.

(iii) POSB CTS Cheque books for PO Savings Account holders.

2. In accordance with the orders in Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance OM No. PA/12/5(6)2021 dated 12.10.2021 and in OM No. 11/04/2021-BA dated 27.12.2021, the task of printing and supply of the above said items has been transferred from NSI to Department of Posts (DOP). Accordingly, the above said three items will be printed and supplied by DOP from the financial year 2022 - 2023 i.e. from 01.04.2022.

3. A detaiied Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in connection with the printing and supply of the above said items by Department of Posts is attached herewith.

4. Printing of AAR Books and ASILAAS-5 cards will be carried out by the PSDs identified and printing of POSB Cheque books will continue to be done by India Security Press, Nashik. Sample copy of AAR book may be available with all PSDs and a sample copy of ASLAAS-5 card is attached for reference and printing.

5. Circles / Regions are requested to take necessary actions in this regard and this order may be circulated to aII the offices.

6. This is issued with the approval of DDG (FS)

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