Revised New Syllabus for GDS to MTS, Postman & Mail Guard in DOP | Revision of Pattern and Syllabus to the posts of MTS, Postman, and Mail Guard in DOP | Dated 05.04.2022
Revision of Pattern and Syllabus of examinations conducted by Department of Posts (DOP) for appointment to the posts of MTS, Postman, and Mail Guard.
Madam / Sir,
1. I am directed to refer to Directorate's letter No. 17-08/2018-SPB-I dated 10.05.2019, as amended from time to time, communicating therewith Pattern and Svllabus of examinations conducted by Department of Posts for recruitment to the posts of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS), Postman, Mail Guard, Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant.
2. Competent Authority has approved that henceforth there will be a single common examination for selection of MTS for appointment as Postman / Mail Guard and GDS for appointment as MTS / Postman / Mail Guard. Revised Pattern and Syllabus of the common Examination is given in Annexure-1. The exminalitin will be held without the aid of books.
3. The Syllabus of examination includes a component to test the knowledge of computer and local language. Local language of a Postal Circle / Division for this purpose has been communicated vide aforesaid letter of even number dated 10.05.2019. Annexure E ibid, and further modified by letters dated 28.06.2019 and 30.06.2020. Consolidated / updated list of local language of Postal Circle/Division is enclosed as Annexure-II.
4. Circle shall ensure that the process for appointment of candidates selected to the posts of Postman / Mail Guard through the common examination is completed before any candidate selected for the post of MTS is appointed.
5. Revised Pattern and Syllabus mentioned herein shall come into force from the date of issue of this communication and shall be applicable to all examinations to be held thereafter.
6. This may be given wide circulation for information of all stakeholders.
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