Removal of Scalefusion MDM and installation of IPPB MDM | in Post Office Mobiles supplied to Delivery Staff for PMA Deployment - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Removal of Scalefusion MDM and installation of IPPB MDM | in Post Office Mobiles supplied to Delivery Staff for PMA Deployment

 No. 20-1/2017-D(Part)

Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

Mail Operations Division

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated: 29.04.2022

Subject: Removal of Scalefusion MDM and installation of IPPB MDM -reg.

This is with reference to 20,014 Samsung mobile phones supplied in June, 2021 by Mail Operations Division for the deployment of Postman Mobile App (PMA), wherein Scalefusion MDM is pre-installed. As IPPB has expressed the inability to use Scalefusion MDM, the competent authority has now decided to remove Scalefusion MDM and replace it with IPPB MDM to ensure running of IPPB operations.

2. The restriction of uninstalling Scalefusion MDM shall be removed remotely from the Scalefusion team. It is to be ensured that all the mobile phones remain online so that the restrictions are removed. Once the restrictions are removed, end user will be able to delete Scalefusion app from the mobile phone.

3. This activity shall be done in phased manner so that the delivery work is not suffered. The list of mobile phones from which the restrictions are removed shall be communicated by Mail Operations Division from time to time.

4. Thereafter, IPPB team will assist the end-users for the installation of IPPB MDM. For this purpose, Circles are required to provide the requisite information as mentioned in ‘Annexure — A’ in the excel format in respect of all the mobile phones supplied in F.Y 2021. List of IMEI Nos of all the mobile phones supplied to the Circle is also enclosed for perusal.

4. It is therefore requested to provide the aforesaid information through e-mail on by 09.05.2022. It is further requested to direct the concerned divisional heads to actively monitor the change of MDM so that it could be done without further delay.

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