Relaxation of rules in regularization of SCSS Accounts opened by the Defence Personnel aged below 50 years of age during the period from 11.10.2017 to 22.11.2017
File No. FS-65/4/2021-FS-DOP
Govt. of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 13.04.2022
Subject: Relaxation of rules in regularization of SCSS Accounts opened by the Defence Personnel aged below 50 years of age during the period from 11.10.2017 to 22.11.2017 - Reg.
Sir / Madam,
As per Rule 2(d)(ii) the SCSS Rules 2004 amended vide notification No. G.S.R. 706(E) dated 27.10.2004, the retired personnel of Defence Services (excluding Civilian Defence Employees) shall be eligibte to subscribe under the SCSS scheme irrespective of the age limits subject to the fulfillment of other specified conditions viz. retired on superannuation or otherwise on the date of opening of account under SCSS Rules, subject to the condition that the account is opened by such individual within one month of the date of receipt of the retirement benefits and proof of date of disbursal of such retirement benefits along with a certificate from the employer indicating the fact of retirement on superannuation or otherwise, retirement benefits, employment held and period of such employment with the employer is attached with the application form for opening of account.
2. Vide notification G.S.R. 1235(E) dated 03.10.2017 issued on 11.10.2017 and published on 12.10.2017, the amendment in the SCSS Rules was made as
In the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme Rules, 2004, in rule 2, in clause d), in sub clause (ii), in the second proviso, for the words 'irrespective of the above age limit" the words'on attaining the age of fifty years" shall be substituted.
3. The above notification G.S.R. L235I was communicated to the Posta1 Circles vide SB Order No. 18/2017 dated 15.11.2017. During the intervening period i.e. from 12.10.2017 to 22.11.2017, many SCSS Accounts were opened in many post offices in the name of retired Defence Personnel of irrespective of age limit.
4. During the Audit Inspection by the DG of Audit, Finance and Communication in the year 2021, it is raised that the deposits accepted for opening of SCSS Accounts in the retired Defence Personnei whose age is below 50 years during the period from 11.10.2017 (Date of issue of notification) and 22.11.2017 are irregular and it lead to unwarranted interest payment.
4. During the Audit Inspection by the DG of Audit, Finance and Communication in the year 2021, it is raised that the deposits accepted for opening of SCSS Accounts in the retired Defence Personnel whose age is below 50 years during the period from 11.10.2017 (Date of issue of notification) and 22.11.2017 are irregular and it lead to unwarranted interest payment.
5. Therefore, a proposal was taken up with Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance for regularization of such SCSS accounts opened during the period from 11.10.2017 to 22.11.2017 in relaxation of rules. The same has been considered by DEA, MoF and the relaxation of rule is agreed to in all such cases of SCSS accounts in OM No. 10/2/2016-NS.II dated 04.04.2022.
6. Further, DEA, MoF has taken a serious view on the repeated instances of violation of rules by Department of Posts in operations of the Small Savings Schemes. In this connection, it is requested that
(i). Circles shall instruct all the post offices to perform the small savrngs schemes operation without any vioiatron of rules and instruct all the Inspecting Authorities, AO/CO and SBCO in HPOs to ensure that all the statutory and procedural rules relatrng to operations of small savings schemes are strictily followed in all the post offices.
(ii). Strict actions may be taken against the officials found violating the rules with respect to POSB operations.
(iii). Crrcles should keep close and strict watch over the operation of small savings schemes in the post offices in order to avoid instances of violation of rules and to avoid putting the deposrtors in trouble at the time of matulity payment and putting this Department in embarrassing situation.
7. A copy of the OM No. 10/2/2016-NS.II dated 041.04.2022 is attached herewith for reference and for further actions.
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