Provisional Eligibility List Of Applicants Of LDCE AAO Exam 2022 | Postal LDCE AAO Exam 2022 Provisional Eligibility List of Applicants - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Provisional Eligibility List Of Applicants Of LDCE AAO Exam 2022 | Postal LDCE AAO Exam 2022 Provisional Eligibility List of Applicants

LDCE AAO Exam 2022 Provisional Eligibilty Applicants List. PROVISIONAL ELIGIBILITY LIST OF APPLICANTS OF AAO LDCE 2022.

No: 19-1/2021-22/AAO/LDCE-2022                                                   Date: 11.4.2022

1. The vacancy year-wise Provisional Eligibility List of applicants of AAO LDCE 2022 for different vacancy years is as per Annexure A.

2. The vacancy year-wise provisional eligibility of applicants has been determined by respective Circle Level Coordination Committees based on the information provided by the applicant and subsequent verification by respective divisional heads/unit heads.

3. It is reiterated that the candidature of applicants is provisional and liable to be cancelled at any stage of the examination process. The eligibility status mentioned in this Provisional Eligibility List (Annexure A) does not bestow any right/privilege to the applicants.

4. The applicants are informed that in certain cases the Divisional Heads have not verified the Graduate status. The provisional eligibility of such applicantsis further limited by confirmation of their graduation status. Such applicants are advised to get the matter resolved at the earliest and ensure that their educational qualifications are updated in their service records as being a Graduate is one of the necessary requirements for applicants (other than SA/JA working in PAO, CCA, CGCA, NICF, DoT & DoP HQ) for promotion to AAO.

5. The applicants are informed that in case they are not satisfied about their provisional eligibility status (as shown in annexure A) for any vacancy year then they may send a representation (as per format given in Annexure B) ONLY via E-mail to their respective SNOs no later than 1700 hours on 21.4.2022. Any representation received after this shall not be considered. The e-mail addresses of SNOs is at Annexure C.

6. Provisional eligibility has been ascertained on respective crucial date only for those vacancy year(s) for which eligibility has been claimed by applicants,graduation status has been mentioned or any other information provided by the applicant in the application form and subsequently verified by respective Divisional Head/Unit Head. Accordingly,  while making representation, applicant should refer to his/her copy of application form to ensure that eligibility has been claimed for that vacancy year.

7. In case an applicant has been deemed provisionally ineligible for any vacancy year due to short service (code SS) as required as per different clauses of AAO RR 2018 and the applicant had claimed eligibility for that vacancy year by indicating so in 10 a and 10 b of the Application Form and considers himself/herself eligible due to existence of an eligible junior in the same gradation list, then applicant must provide all details in the representation. The required details are as under:

a. Name of the eligible Junior:

b. Designation of eligible Junior:

c. Gradation List of .... Cadre in the office of........

d. Date of entry of the eligible Junior in the Gradation List:

e. Serial Number of eligible Junior in the Gradation List:

f. Serial Number of applicant in the same Gradation List:

The representation will not be considered if any of the above information is not provided by the applicant.

8. The applicants desirous of submitting representation may do so only in one go before the last date. In the event of multiple representations, only the first representation will be considered, and subsequent representations shall be ignored.

9. A Revised Provisional Eligibility List shall be displayed on once the respective CLCCs have decided on the representations of applicants. Thereafter, no further representations shall be entertained by the SNOs in this regard.

10.No correspondence should be made by applicants to the undersigned in respect of any matter related to eligibility and/or other issues related to AAO LDCE 2022.

Encl: Annexur A, B & C

(Arvind) Convenor

Examination Committee AAO LDCE 2022

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