Provision of Re call/En Route return of articles for bulk customers in Indiapost | User Manual - Citizens Portal Bulk Article Recall in Post Office
File No. 9-09/2021-PD
Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts
Parcel Directorate
Dated 11th April, 2022
All Chief PMsG/PMsG
Sub: Provision of Re call/En Route return of articles-reg.
This is regarding the functionality of “Re-call/En-Route return request” received from bulk customer for their already booked articles/parcels.
2. In the present CSI environment, the provision to recall an en-route article/parcel through CSI PoS is available only for retail booking where once request is received, data gets synchronized with SAP system and the article is marked as Recalled.
3. Functionality has now been developed in the system whereas bulk customers can initiate the recall request through its corporate id. Further, now the recall request can be initiated for up to 100 articles/parcels at a time. Articles/parcels now can be recalled up to the time they are invoiced to the Postman.
4. The purpose of “Re-call/En-Route return request” functionality is as under:
(i) Provision has been built in the system to update the status of an article from “Forward” to “Return” based on en-Route request received from the bulk customer.
(ii) Provision has been built in the system to auto flag the Re-called article/parcels during the handling at intermediate/delivery offices.
(iii) System will charge Rs. 6/- per article/parcel for this value-add service.
4. In order to assist/sensitize the operational staff as well as the administrative staff (Set Incharge/Manager/IRM/ASRM/SPO) about this functionality of “Recall/en- Route return request”, a user manual has been prepared and attached as Annexure for reference and to circulate it among the operative staff.
5. Further, it is requested to issue instructions to all Incharges/ Supervisors of the operative offices to ensure proper handling of Re-call ArticIes.
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