Printing, Collection and Handover of passbooks to District Magistrate for account opened under PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021
F. No. FS-13/4/2021-FS-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (Financial Services Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi
Dated: 26.04.2022.
Subject: - Regarding printing, collection and handover of passbooks to District Magistrate for account opened under PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021.
This is in continuation of this office letter even no. dated 29.03.2022 in connection with accounts opened under PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021.
2. As informed earlier, Tamil Nadu Circle has been mandated to procure and print passbooks centrally at Chennai GPO for the account opened under PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021 on receipt of funds from the nodal ministry.
3. The tentative date for launch of PM CARES scheme is 06.05.2022. Keeping in view of paucity of timeline the revised schedule for printing and handing over of PM CARES passbooks has been prepared and annexed for your kind information and further necessary action.
4. As per revised schedule Tamil Nadu Circle will dispatch Circle-wise bag through Chennai APTMO and respective Circles will collect bag from the concerned APTMO at their end.
5. PMG CCR, Tamil Nadu Circle will be the national coordinator and will monitor the account opening, printing and dispatch of passbooks to all Circles. He will also monitor the handling over the passbooks to the District magistrates along with overall co-ordination with Postal Directorate and CEPT, Chennai.
6. The DPS (HQ) will be the nodal officer in the Circles. The nodal officers will monitor all the activities from receipt of bags to handing over of passbooks to the District Magistrates concerned.
7. Control room will be opened in Postal Directorate and the Circles starting 27th April, 2022 till launch of the scheme.
8. As this scheme will be launched by the Hon'b1e Prime Minister, all Circles shall ensure completion of all activities relates to this scheme in time without fail. Secretary (Posts) is personally monitoring each activity related to the Scheme.
Enclosed: - 1. Revised Guidelines
2. Dispatch Schedule (Annexure-A)
3. Collection and Handing over Schedule (Annexure-B)
4. List of beneficiaries.
Revised collection and handover of PM CARES passbooks
This is in connection with the launch of PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021. As you are aware that Chennai GPO is the nodal office for opening of account and printing of passbooks for the scheme.
2. After printing of passbooks, Chennai GPO will be dispatching this Sensitive Material for 22 Circles and for the districts under jurisdiction of Tamil Nadu Circle between 28.04.2022 and 29.04.2022. For the said purpose, Chennai GPO will prepare bag for each Circle and the districts in the following manner:
(i). SOL-wise and Circle-wise passbook bundles shall be prepared. The bundles shall be secured, duly wrapped with paper and water proof/tamper proof material.
(ii). One bundle containing blank passbooks of 10% of both the passbooks (DM copy and Beneficiary copy) for each circle shall also be prepared for any emergency use in the Circles using the label with remarks as “BLANK PASSBOOKS FOR EMERGENCY USE ".
(iii). SOL-wise list of accounts (5 copies) shall be prepared and 4 copies shall be attached with each bundle.
(iv). Passbooks of each Circle shall be wrapped with paper and then wrapped with water proof and tamper proof material.
(v). The bags containing the passbooks shall be prepared for each Circle and they will be addressed to DPS (HQ), Circle Concerned. It should be ensured that damaged bags are not used and bags are secured to ensure safety in transit.
(vi). In case of Tamil Nadu Circle, the Circle shall close the bag directly in favour of concerned District Magistrates, to be delivered through the district nodal officers of the DOP.
(vii) It shall be the responsibility of the nodal officers in the Circles to ensure the passbooks are delivered in secured condition through district level nodal officers to the concerned District Magistrate. Due acknowledgement is to be obtained in the SOL-wise list of accounts from the District Magistrate at the time of hand-over of passbooks.
3. After preparation of bags, they shall be booked under Service Insured Registered mail for an insurance amount of Rs 1000/- by Chennai GPO. The name of the destinations and the tentative number of bags with date of dispatch for these destinations are enclosed as Annexure-A. In case there is any change in the schedule, the same will be communicated separately.
4. Nodal Officers shall submit report on completion of each activity as prescribed in Annexure-B to pmg and
5. In case of any deviation, the concerned nodal officer will at once inform at email id pmg and and mobile no of PMG, CCR 7598324471, Director (FS), Postal Dte. 8800907715.
For booking and dispatch of sensitive materials to the 22 destinations, Tamil Nadu Circle will take following actions:
a. Ensure availability of material for packing and closure of Bags.
b. Arrangement of booking and dispatch of bags as per schedule.
c. Tamil Nadu Circle will open a dedicated control room from 26.04.2022 till launch of the scheme and keep watch over booking, dispatch, receipt of all the bags in respective Circles and delivery of passbooks to the District Magistrates. The control room will also keep track of the dispatch of bags from airport of connecting Circle. It will also keep track of bags that are handed over/delivered to the Nodal Officer of respective Circles. The officers deployed in the control room will inform the progress of the Booking, dispatch, delivery of bags and passbooks to PMG CCR, Tamil Nadu Circle and Director (FS), Postal Dte. at regular intervals.
d. For the purpose of identification, these bags are called “PMC” bags. Routing charts of “PMC” bags is enclosed/ attached as Annexure-A
7. In order to maintain confidentiality/timeline of the sensitive material the code “PMC” should be used even in the internal communications of the Department.
8. All the “PMC” bags should be directly received by the Nodal Officer of the Circles, without fail, from the mail offices at the destination airport(s). The bags received by the circle nodal officers should be kept in the personal custody of the circle nodal officers till SOL-wise passbook bundles are handed over to the district level nodal officers.
9. Circle Nodal officer will ensure handing over of SOL-wise bundle passbooks to district level nodal officer of DOP concerned and during hand- over, safety of the passbooks should be ensured. The SOL-wise passbook bundles received by district level nodal officers should be kept in their personal custody till passbooks are handed over to the District Magistrates.
Note: - In the bag SOL-wise bundle having 4 copies of list of accounts will be available.
(i) 1 copy of the list will be kept at Circle level after obtaining acknowledgement on the list from district level nodal officer of DOP.
(ii) 1 copy of the list will be kept at Division/District level officer after obtaining acknowledgement on the list from the District Magistrate. 1 copy of the list should be given to District Magistrate concerned along with passbook bundle.
(iv) 1 copy of the list should be provided to concerned SOL, the concerned SOL shall write account number on the account opening form (AOF) of the PM CARES for the Children Scheme, 2021 received from District Magistrate.
10. Finally, district level nodal officers will hand-over the passbooks to District Magistrate concerned under due acknowledgement.
Note: Bundle containing blank passbooks should be kept in the personal custody of DPS (HQ) for emergency use.
It is important that the following points are strictly kept in view at all stages of handling of ‘PMC’ bags.
• No damaged bag should be used in Chennai GPO as well as in all the transit offices.
• Reliable and experienced personnel should handle these bags at all stages.
• Utmost care should be taken in handling of these bags, to see that the bags and seals are not damaged during transit
(i). Passbooks bags will reach Circle headquarter and respective Circle nodal officer will collect passbooks bag from respective APTMO/ Airport (except Haryana, I&K, Uttarakhand, HP and MP Circle).
(a). Nodal officer of Haryana, J&K, Uttarakhand and MP Circles will collect passbooks Bag(s) of their Circles from Delhi AP TMO.
(b). Nodal officer of HP Circle will collect passbooks bag of HP Circle from Chandigarh APTMO/Airport.
(ii). The Nodal officers of the Circles will have to ensure smooth coordination with regard to the following: -
• Open a control room starting 27áµ—Ê° April, 2022 till launch of the scheme.
• Receipt of Bags from Airport.
• Handing over passbook bundles to district level nodal officers of DOP in the Circle.
• Keep track on handing over of passbooks to District Magistrate by district level nodal officers of DOP.
• Submit a report to the Directorate at email id to the pmg and as prescribed at regular intervals.
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