Postal Manual Volume VII Short Notes | Short Notes on PO Volume 7 | For GDS To MTS/Postman/PA/SA LDCE Exams
-Sorting work is no longer performed in trains.
-Posting of prepaid unregistered articles in trains and mail offices: prescribed for late fee collection in respect of each mail carrying train.
- ‘Detained Late Fee not paid’ stamp will be impressed on all articles, except postcards, on which a late fee has not been prepaid.
-No article should be received by hand by RMS section.
- NO Interception or redirection of articles. – Except on the authority Of the Director-General or the Head of the Circle (This rule will not apply to camp articles)
-If the detention to mails due to breaches or accidents is likely to exceed 6 hours, it should be reported at once by fax/telegraph to the Superintendent.
-In cases of detentions of less than this period, a report by fax/telegraph should be sent only to the Record Office.
Extra reserved accommodation in trains
-Request for extra accommodation will be made by the Record Officer or the Mail Agent
-Requisition should be prepared in four parts by the Record Officer or Head Sorting Assistant
-Superintendent should, on the 10th of each month, compile and submit to the Head of the Circle
-Misconnection of mail buses, trains and air services: Reported to the Superintendent as early as possible by Record Offices.
-Circulars of Heads of Circles: all Supervising Officers and Record Officers and should be filed in Guard Books.
-The Superintendent, Inspector or Record Officer may order a Sorting Assistant to attend the Record Office for practice sorting during his rest-time.
-Metal tokens should also be supplied to those mailmen who travel in charge of mails in reserved compartments.
-The tokens are the property of Government and are supplied from the stock depot to the Head Record Office.
- In case of record office, The Record Officer will initially prepare the memorandum of distribution of work, and forward it to the Superintendent.
-In case of a sorting mail office The Inspector will initially prepare the memorandum of distribution of work of the mail office or section and forward it to the Superintendent.
-In the case of a section the memorandum will show proper arrangements of bags in the van
Disposal of Records
-Correspondence relating to robberies, thefts, etc= One year after the cases are closed
-Invoices of articles received from the Stock Depot=Three years
-Order Book of a mail office and a section=Three years
-Work papers, Correspondence, Arrangement Register, Attendance Register and Daily Report of RMS offices and sections=Eighteen months
*The following records may not be destroyed without the special permission of the Head of the Circle
1. Order book of a Record Office.
2. Nominal roll of token -holders.
3. Work papers, correspondence, or documents regarding which enquiry is in progress
-Gradation lists should be destroyed three years after new ones have been issued.
-Registers of sanctioned establishment should be destroyed at the end of the year after
New ones have been supplied or prepared.
-Director General’s circulars and General Orders and Postmaster General’s circular should be destroyed after the lapse of three years.
-Head of the Circle may order the preservation of any other classes of correspondence for a period longer than that prescribed above.
-Every mail office is provided with a stock of postage stamps and stationery.
(Including embossed envelopes, inland letter cards and postcards) for sale to the public.
-Record Officer should distribute the postage stamps to the various sets of the mail offices according to the orders of the Superintendent.
-When the office is closed, the “Daily Stock” box should be replaced within the “Reserve Stock” box.
-A Group ‘D’ official who has furnished security may be employed for the sale of stamps to the public with the approval of Superintendent, RMS but the services of Group D officials who is employed to deface postage stamps should not be utilized for this purpose.
Custody of Government Money
-In Head Record Office, one key of the safe will be retained in the custody of the Head Record Officer and other in that of the Accountant.
-In Record and Sub Record offices one of the locks should be retained by the Record Officer or the Sub- Record officer and that of the other by the Sorting Assistant nominated by the SRM
-During the working hours in the custody of the Accountant in the Head Record Office & Sub Record Officer or Record Officer in the other offices.
-Type-boxes, containing the type not in use and the name stamps are kept in the Record office.
-‘Detained Late Fee Note Paid’ stamp is supplied to mail offices/sections which deal with letter box clearance.
-Each Order Book has 200, and each Guidance Book 100 serially numbered pages.
-Type Boxes} Carried only by those sections exempt from RO Attendance.
-Hand bag is supplied to each Sorting Assistant, each Mail Guard and Each Van Attendant of a section in which to keep his personal luggage.
-Hand bag and roll of bedding not exceeding 1 meter by 1.2 meter in girth.
-It is the duty of the Head Sorting Assistant to personally receive from the Record Officer the work papers of the set.
-Each Sorting Assistant should have the work papers, for which he is responsible or which relate to him examined in his presence by the Record Officer
-The checking of work papers and preparation of daily report and extract reports should be performed By the Head sorting Assistant/other Sorting Assistants at the end of duty hours.
-Preparation of daily report (M.S.83):
-The Head Sorting Assistant is required to submit to the Superintendent through the Record Officer
-The daily report should be written by the Head Sorting Assistant from the rough notebooks of the set.
-Supervisor, Speed Post Centre will also use the same format MS (83) for submitting his daily report to the Manager, Speed Post.
-Delivery of empty bags to be sent to UBO/DBO concerned.
-The work papers for the next trip or working hours of the set will be supplied by the Record Officer
-A list of the work papers to be used by a set during a trip.
-Receipt of empty bags from Record Office.–The Head Sorting Assistant will receive from the Record Officer.
-Mail abstract (M.42 for Transit Sections and M-43 for Mail Offices)
- Mail abstract: divided into two parts, viz., “Mails” and “Bags”
- The registered abstract is divided into two parts, viz. “Receipts” and “issues
- The parcel abstract is divided into two parts, viz., “Receipts” and “Issues
- The mail abstract also shows in what cases due mails, opened or closed by the section or mail office
- In the case of sections, the entries for the out and in trips are shown separately in the mail abstract
- At important stations where a large number of bags is exchanged, the Head of Circle may authorise the Mail Agent/Mail Guard of a section to deliver his mails before receiving those for onward transmission, in order to make room in the mail van.
- Mail Peon’s Book (Form MS-28).
- Every section must carry spare loose forms of mail list to prepare the triplicate copy of Mail list.
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