Postal LDCE AAO Exam 2022 Issues | NAPE (National Association of Postal Employees) written a letter to DG Posts | Dated 05.04.2022
National Association of Postal Employees Group C (Central Head Quarters) No. 17-2-17, P&T Quarters, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001. No. NAPE/22-23/AAO dated 05-04-2022
Sri Alok Sharma Ji
Director General Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi — 110001
Respected Sir,
Sub: - AAO Examination 2022 — Issues —- Reg
Ref: LDCE AAO Examination Notification dated1 5-02-2022
This is regarding irrational issues regarding upcoming AAO Examination 2022.
The following issues are brought to the notice of the authority for persuasion and immediate orders.
1. The AAO Examination for the year 2022 is notified to be conducted on descriptive mode without aid books. During the year 2018 the same examination was held with aid of books. In general, the Examination with books have been conducted descriptive and the Examinations without books have been conducted on Multiple choice method. Hence it is to request to conduct the examination with aid of book in descriptive method or without aid of books on multiple choice method.
2. The minimum service required for the examination is irrespective of conditions of Rule 38, but in some Circles/Divisions the eligibility is being granted with less years of minimum required service comparing with Divisional Level Seniority of the candidate came to the division on Rule 38 transfers. The same irregularity happened during 2018 examination which lead to legal issues.
3. As the work of AAO includes many complicated calculations which requires allowing calculator may not affect efficiency of the Examination.
Many issues related to the AAO Examination 2018 are in Courts seeking justice grave procedural lapses.
In this connection it is to issue orders to conduct the examination without any procedural lapses.
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