Inspector Posts (IP) Seniority List 2004 | Final All India Seniority list of Inspector Posts/Postal Inspectors for the year 2004
No. X-07/6/2019-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi — 110 001.
Dated: 20th April 2022
Subject: Final All India Seniority list of Inspector Posts for the year 2004.
I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter of even no. dated 18.03.2019 and 22.02.2022 vide which Draft Combined All India Seniority List of Inspector Posts, 2004 and All India Final Provisional Seniority List of Inspector Posts for the year 2004 were issued. On the basis of reports received from Circles w.r.t. draft and final provisional seniority lists, Final All India Seniority List of Inspector Posts for the year 2004 has been prepared in the following manner:
a. Rotation of two Inspector Posts from LDCE and one from Direct Recruitment thereby maintaining 2:1 Ratio as per Recruitment Rules 2019 (Inspector Posts);
b. Remaining Direct Recruited/ Promotee candidates are placed en-bloc below the candidates who are already placed as per point (a) above;
c. SC/ST candidates qualified under Review result, if any
d. Personnel serving in Army Postal Service have been placed en-bloc below the officials at (a) (b) & (c) above on the basis of information furnished by the
Circle concerned, if any.
Whereas, while placing the officials in the ratio of 2:1 as described above, the inter-se-seniority of the officials who secured same marks in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination has been decided in the following manner:
a. In case of the officials belonging to same feeder cadre, the date of their joining in the feeder cadre will be the criteria i.e., who had joined the feeder cadre earlier will be senior. If their date of joining in the feeder cadre is also same the date of birth will be the criteria i.e., the person age-wise senior will figure ahead of junior in the seniority list;
b. In case of the officials belonging to different feeder cadres, official in the higher grade will be deemed to be senior to those in lower grade;
c. In case of officials belonging to different feeder cadres with identical scales of pay, the date of their joining in the feeder cadre will be the criteria i.e., who had joined the feeder cadre earlier will be senior. If their date of joining in the feeder cadre is also same the date of birth will be the criteria i.e., the person age-wise senior will figure ahead of junior in the seniority list;
2. On the basis of above, names of 59 Inspector Posts have been deleted as these IPs (DR) did not join the concerned Circle after allotment made under CGLE 2004 or the Candidature was cancelled’ Dossiers were never received as reported by their respective Circles. Further names of 2 Promotee IPs have been deleted as Smt. P.S Sathimol [S.No. 56 in Draft SL] was included in All India Combined Seniority List for 2003 whereas Punjab Circle informed that Shri. Kulwant Singh [S.No.124 of Draft SL] did not join in IP Cadre after qualifying in LDCE.
Se Further, SC/ ST candidates qualified under Review Result has been placed en-bloc below the meritorious candidates and their inter-se seniority has been fixed in accordance with the Marks, obtained by them collectively in LDCE 2004 and Grace Marks accorded to them in Review Result done for LDCE 2004, as provided by their Parent Circles.
Accordingly, 9 IPs at S.No. 209-217 have been placed in the Final Provisional All India Inter-se Seniority List in accordance with their Marks (including the grace marks) given to them after “reviewing of their results” except for Shri. Kumar Ranjan Roy [S.No.212] as his marks as provided by his parent Circle: Assam Circle are as secured in LDCE 2004.
Further, 6 IPs at S.No. 218-223 have been placed in accordance with their Date of Joining in the feeder cadre, as per para 2 above due to unavailability of their Marks.
4. There exist the following litigations w.r.t. Seniority List of Inspector Posts, listed as follows:
i. O.A. No. 296/2019 filed by Manish Kumar Srivastava & Ors. Vs. UOI in Principal Bench, Hon’ble CAT, Delhi against the Final All India Combined Seniority List of Inspector Posts for the years 2001/2002. The applicants are direct recruits selected through Combined Graduate Level Examination — 2003 conducted by Staff Selection Commission.
ii. O.A. No. 180/985/2018 titled G. Jayasree Vs UOI, filed by departmental promotees at Hon'ble Tribunal, Ernakulam Bench, Kerala [now tagged with O.A. 296/2019, CAT, PB, New Delhi] aggrieved by the decision of revision of seniority list of the cadre of Inspector Posts. CAT, Ernakulam Bench has stayed the said revision of seniority list.
iii. O.A. No. 330/641/2020 filed by Shri. Sanjay Gupta & 17 Ors Vs.Uol in Hon’ble CAT, Allahabad Bench against seniority list of IP cadre for the year 2003.
The enclosed All India Combined Seniority List of Inspector Posts, 2004 is subject to the final outcome of Litigations as mentioned above.
5. If any discrepancy is being pointed out by the official concerned, it should be sent to the concerned Circle and thereafter may be recommended by the Circle along-with supporting document thereof.
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