Yadgiri Postal Division-585201 | on bifurcation of existing Kalaburgi Postal Division - will start from 01.04.2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Yadgiri Postal Division-585201 | on bifurcation of existing Kalaburgi Postal Division - will start from 01.04.2022

In pursuance of the Directorate letter No.Q-13/17/2021-PE-I-DoP dated 21.02.2022, the Competent authority has approved the creation of a new Postal Division named "Yadgiri Postal Division" on bifurcation of existing Kalaburgi Postal Division under North Karnataka Region, Karnataka Circle. 

The new Postal Division consists of one District namely "Yadgiri". The Pincode of the newly created division is 585 201. The new Division will have its head quarter at Yadgiri town in Yadgiri District under North Karnataka Region, Karnataka Circle. The new Division will start functioning with effect from 01.04.2022

1. Establishment Details: The details of Establishment and Sanctioned Staff strength for newly created Yadgiri Division are as under:

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