Promotion to the cadre of PS Group B Posts through DPC and LDCE | AIAIPASP Letter to DG Posts - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Promotion to the cadre of PS Group B Posts through DPC and LDCE | AIAIPASP Letter to DG Posts


Qr.No.12, P&T Colony, Khurshid Square, Civil Lines, Delhi 110054 e-Mail :

Dated 07th March, 2022
To Shri Alok Sharma, Director General (Posts), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Sub: - Promotion to the cadre of PS Group B Posts through DPC and LDCE - Regarding.

Respected Sir,
This is in continuation of this Association Letter No.CHQ/AIAIPASP/Corr 01- 56/2020 dated 26th October, 2020 on the above subject (copy enclosed). A kind reference is invited to Honarable Supreme Court of India, Record of Proceedings in connection with Special Leave Petition (Civil) Diary

2. The posts of- Postal Superintendent/Post Masters Group-B were oFiginally goveFned by a set of rules known as Department of Posts, Postal Superintendent/Post Plasters Group-B Recruitment Rules, 1987. As envisaged by the said RR of 1987, the method of recruitment/selection to the post of Postal Superintendent / Postmasters Group B was only by way of promotion from the feeder cadres. These Rules were replaced by a new set of rules by a Notification bearing G.S.R. No.329, dated 29-6-1994. As per the said rules, recruitment will be by promotion in which 75% total posts shall be by promotion based on seniority from Inspectors of Post Offices; 19% of the total posts on the basis of departmental competitive examination from amongst Inspectors of Post Offices; and 6% of the total posts shall be filled from amongst clerical line officials working in Post Offices/Divisional Offices on the basis of same departmental examination.

3. Regular appointments/promotions are to be made in accordance with the Recruitment Rules in force at the time when the vacancy arises.

Therefore, this Association urges the Department to convene pending DPCs and declaration of result of LDCE as per the extant Recruitment Rules only.
With deep regards,
Yours faithfully,

(Pitabasa Jena) General Secretary

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