Loss and Fraud Cases in Post Offices -Introduction of Standardized Proforma for furnishing Preliminary Report
Loss and Fraud Cases in Post Offices -introduction of Standardized Proforma for furnishing Preliminary Report (all loss and fraud cases) and Quarterly Review Report (in the cases involving more than Rs 50 lakhs)
During review of the loss and fraud cases, it is noticed that very often preliminary reports in such cases are not submitted in time by the Circles/Regions/Divisions. Further, it is also noticed that there is no time limit prescribed under the rules for submission of such preliminary reports as well as there is no standard proforma for the same. Delay in submission of preliminary
reports in loss and fraud cases by the Circles/Regions/Divisions or lack of complete information therein, i.e., clear modus operandi, systemic issues involved, lodging of FIR etc., results in non-examination of the systemic issues and delays in corrective actions to be taken on the same by the Directorate, if any. Therefore, a need was being felt to standardize the format for furnishing Preliminary Report in respect of the loss and fraud cases.. Accordingly, a Standardized Format for furnishing Preliminary Report has been devised. The standardized format, inter alia, contains the following provisions:
i) Preliminary Report is to be submitted within 30 days of detection of misappropriation when it crosses the threshold limit of reporting to the appropriate authority.
ii) In case of Report to the RO/CO, the preliminary report should be sent with the approval of Divisional Head.
iii) In case of Report to the CO, the report should be sent with the approval of Regional Head, if the Division/Unit is not directly reporting to the CO. While in case of report to Directorate, the same should have the approval of Regional/Circle Head.
iv) It is essential that in all the cases, specific mention of the systemic issues involved, need to be made and suggestions thereon should be included in the Preliminary Report, if immediate corrective action is to be taken by the Directorate.
2. In addition to the above, at present the instructions provides for Half Yearly Review of each loss and fraud case. However, as the high value cases (involving more than Rs. 50 lakhs) need more focused attention, it was felt that review of such cases should be carried out on a quarterly basis by Circles. Although for quite some time the Directorate is seeking quarterly review of such cases, yet in absence of any standardize format for review, difficulty is faced in effective review of such cases. Therefore, it has been decided that henceforth, in all the cases involving more than Rs. 50 lakhs, a 'Quarterly Review Report' of review done by HOC should be furnished to Directorate
in the Standardized Format enclosed herewith. All such cases are to be reviewed quarterly at the HoC level and a review report thereon is to be submitted by 15th of January/April/July/October in respect of the preceding Quarters. This will be in addition to the 'Half Yearly Review Report' which will continued to be furnished to Directorate by respective Regions/Circles in all the cases involving more than Rs. 10 lakhs.The cases involving below Rs. 10 lakhs would continue to be reviewed as per existing instructions.
3. All Circles/Regions are requested to bring the above to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.
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