IPPB Inactive Account Conversion | Indiapost Payments Bank Inactive Account Conversion to Active Account Process/Steps/Procedures
All Saving/Current Accounts turn to Inactive Mode of Operation if there is no Customer induced transaction in the account for a period of 1 Year. If the Inactive mode of operation continues for 1 more year, then account turns into Dormant i.e. after 2 years from the date of no- customer induced transactions into the account.
Following are the ways how an Inactive Account will turn into Active (Automatic and Manual Process):
Inactive Customer to make ONE Credit transaction –Cash Deposit, Funds Transfer into own Account:
Account will turn Active automatically by the EOD
Inactive *Refer Process stated below at SO/HO only:
Account will turn Active immediately
*To Convert an Inactive Account immediately into Active Account , Kindly adhere to following process at SO/HO only :
a. Invoke CNFTM , Authenticate customer using Mobile/Account no/Aadhaar as per pre-existing
process. Thereafter Select the Inactive Account button followed by Account Modification
transaction type :
b. In Account Modification Screen, Select the new Status of Account to be “ACTIVE”.
c. Finally take Authentication of the Customer via Biometric/OTP and press Submit. Account
status will be Converted to “ACTIVE” immediately.
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