IPO Exam MCQ | PS Group B Exam MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) | Postal Exam MCQs Set 2
Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) for LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams in postal department.
1. Which one of the following statement is related to Sundry Deposit MIS Interest Account?
A SOLID+0406
B SOLID+0338
C SOLID+0340
D SOLID+0337
2. How Many Digits are there in Profit Center of an Office ?
A 14
B 10
C 12
D 11
3. 6th Digit in Profit Center Represents?
A Division Office
B Sub Post Office
C Head Post Office
D Region Office
4. Facility ID Contains How Many Digits excluding Alphabets?
A 10
B 11
C 12
D 13
5. Which one of the following is GL Code of POS Cash?
A 4867000112
B 4867100010
C 4867100011
D 4867100000
6. What is the cash handling allowance per month if amount handled is above 5 lakhs?
A Rs 500/-
B Rs 1000/-
C Rs 750/-
D Rs 250/-
7. Which one of the below form is used for out of account cash receipts ?
A ACG 17
B ACG 11
C ACG 61
D ACG 67
8. Financial Asssistance for GDS Employees Sufferred from COVID 19 was ?
A Rs 25000/-
B Rs 50000/-
C Rs 10000/-
D Rs 20000/-
9. RMFS (Remotely Managed Franking System) was introduced w.e.f?
A 14.09.2016
B 15.07.2013
C 16.08.2010
D 12.06.2012
10. EPICs(Elector Photo Identity Cards) Booking & Delivery Charges per article is ?
A Regular Charges Applies
B Rs 25/- upto 50 grams
C Rs 35/- upto 50 grams
D Rs 50/- upto 50 grams
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