IP Onsite Induction Training | 113th Batch of IP(DP)(Inspector Posts) Induction Training - ONSITE-2022
113th Batch of IP(DP) Induction Training - ONSITE.
The Induction Training for Inspector Posts (DP) is hereby notified for a period of 13 weeks from 18.04.2022 to 16.07.2022 to be held at PTC Mysuru. It is requested to cause full utilisation of seats by deputing the candidates as per the eligibility criteria. Any variation in the seat allotment may please be intimated over phone for taking necessary action at this end.
The trainees are required to report on the commencement day of the training ie on Monday, the 18.04.2022 at 9.30 am in Auditorium, PTC Mysuru for registration. The Distance Trainees can come on the previous day (Sunday) to PTC Mysuru.
The trainees may kindly be advised to pay Rs 20,700/- towards Mess charges through NEFT and produce the receipt at the time of admission/registration at PTC Mysuru. Food charges from 18.04.2022 to 16.07.2022 Per day Rs 230/- *90 days = 20700/-
Name of the Account Holder Account Number
IFSC Code Bank Name & Branch In Comment Section
General instructions to Induction Trainees Postal Training Centre Mess 0565101031214 CNRB0000565 Canara Bank, Nazarbad, Mysore Mention Name of the Trainee, Division, Mess fund
1 The Induction Training Program is for 13 (Thirteen) weeks. No leave will be granted to the trainees during the training period.
2 Stay in PTC hostel is compulsory.
3 The Dress code during the program
(a) Male - a formal shirt, formal trousers with a belt and formal leather shoes.
(b) Female - Sarees / Salwar Kameez
Other outfits like Jeans, T-Shirts etc are not allowed. A copy of the Directorate Lr No.1-04/2015-Trg(Pt) dated 04/07/2017 is enclosed for circulation which is to be adhered by the trainees inside PTC Campus.
4 Mobile Phones are not permitted in the Academic Block and during study hours in Hostel. The candidates are required to bring the following :
(a) Three recent passport/stamp size photographs (colour)
(b) Training Order Memo
(c) One Small lock with key
6 Uniform consisting of a track pant without stripes (Black) & T-Shirt (Bleach white colour no design) with Collar and White shoe for PT Classes and Sports activities both for men and women.
Drinking of alcohol, smoking and chewing tobacco/Gutka is strictly prohibited in the Campus. Suitable action will be taken against those who fail to adhere to these instructions.
8. Physical Training ,Yoga, Meditation is compulsory for all the candidates.
9. Attendance in all the activities is compulsory. Action will be taken against absentees & late comers.
10 Trainees should utilize the library only after class hours.
11. No Candidates will be allowed / relieved before 16:30 hours on last day of Training. General information about PTC Mysuru in Annexure I is enclosed for information of all the Trainees.
Special Instructions to be followed as per Ministry of Health & Family Welfare SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices.
Generic preventive measures to be followed :
The generic preventive measures include simple public health measures that are to be followed to reduce the risk of infection with COVID-19. These measures need to be observed by all (trainees, employees and visitors) at all times. These include :
(i) Individuals must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet (2 gaj ki doori) in common places as far as feasible.
(ii Use of face covers/masks at all times. They must be worn properly to cover nose and mouth. Touching the front portion of mask/face covers to be avoided.
(iii) Practice frequent hand washing with soap (for atleast 40-60 seconds) even when hands are not visibly dirty. Use of alcohol based hand sanitizers (for atleast 20 seconds) can be made wherever feasible.
(iv) Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one's mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.
(v) Self-monitoring of health by all and proactively disclose any illness including fever/cough/sore throat/influenza like symptoms to the immediate Supervisory Officer/Course Coordinator.
(vi) Spitting is strictly prohibited.
(vii) Installation and use of Aarogya Setu App by all employees is compulsory.
RT-PCR Covid Test report not later than 3 days of start of the training.
(ix) Vaccination certificate is compulsory.( At least 1 dose Vaccination is must) Circle/Region are requested not to depute :
(1) The officials who were tested positive before a month from the date of notification.
(2) The officials from containment zones.
(3) Official who are suffering from chronic lung disease, High BP, serious Heart ailment, severe asthma, pregnant women, lactating mothers etc
(ix) Thermal scanner has been arranged at the entrance of security main gate. Trainees will be screened before permitting entry into the campus each and every time. Trainees to co opqratq with the Security.
(x) All the trainees should be asked to maintain a note of their contacts on a daily basis from the date of their arrival in PTC.
(xi) There will be outdoor/group activities during the training period.
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