GDS TRCA ((Time Related Continuity Allowance) Fixation | Fixation of TRCA to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)
Fixation of TRCA(Time Related Continuity Allowance) to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)-regarding.
Kindly refer to Postmaster General, North Karnataka Region, Dharwad D.O. NKR/ESA-1/508/2018 dated 28.02.2022 regarding fixation of TRCA to Gramin Dak Sevaks. The matter was discussed by the Competent Authority during the Circle Management Committee meeting held on 16.03.2022 at Circle Office, Bengaluru.
Accordingly, the following points are clarified with the orders of the Chief Postmaster General.
1) If the workload is between 04-30 hrs to 5 hours, Level-02 is eligible. The Clarification, therefore issued by this office vide letter of even no. dated 10.03.2022 holds good.
2) As per OM dated 25.06.2018, there are two discrete levels i.e., Level-01 (04 Hours) and Level-02 (05 Hours). If the workload is between 04 hours to 04-29 hrs, the GDS would be in Level-02.
Accordingly, it is requested to take necessary action.
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