CSC IRCTC Code Activation Drive | POCSC-IRCTC Code Activation
PO CSC IRCTC code activation drive on 01.03.2022-Reg.
Ref: This office e-mail dated 23.02.2022 This is regarding IRCTC code activation drive on 01.03.2022 (Tuesday) for 2701 CSC Operators of Karnataka Circle. It is noticed by the Directorate that 2701 IRCTC CSC operators in Karnataka Circle are yet to activate their IRCTC account. Therefore, it is decided to send the activation code once again tomorrow i.e on 01.03.2022 so that all the IRCTC CSC operators of Karnataka Circle can activate their IRCTC account and also verify their accounts by loggingg in once In this regard the details of Operators along with CSC ID, mobile number, e-mail ID &User login ID was already shared through email under reference. All the operators should be instructed to check the correctness of e-mail ID and intimate to Divisional Admins/Dos
2. immediately if the email ID is found incorrect.
3. Steps to activate CSC IRCTC Account for IRCTC CSC operators on 01.03.2022: (a) Login to your email ID provided at the time of creating IRCTC account and also shared by Directorate. Check for the e-mail activation link & click on the activation link. (b) Login by using OTP to IRCTC account through IRCTC login lID. OTP will be sent to your mobile number linked to Aadhaar.
4. Ih case any operator finds that e-mail ID mentioned in the excel sheet received is incorrect, immediately it should be intimated to Circle Office control room/Divisional Admins/Circle Admins
5. In this regard, all the Divisional Admins should educate/guide the BPMs & closely monitor to complete the activation process & monitor the entire process. A status report should wIse be given by the Circle CSC Admins to CO control room every hour, A DVSO completion report should be submitted to C.O control room through e-mail lD As the activation link will only be valid for one day only Le on 1.03.2022 all concerned Divisional Admins/IRCTC CSC Operators should be alerted and 1100Hrs, nstructed to attend to this work on priority. The activation report to be submitted at 100HIS, 1200Hrs & 1300Hrs.
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