Combined Duty Allowance (CDA) to BPMs - Stopped in Some Circles by Misinterpreting the contents of Annexure 1 | FNPO Union letter to DG Posts
FNPO. National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks
Sub: Stoppage of CDA to BPMs in some circles misinterpreting contents of Annexure 1 to om No.17-36/2016-GDS dated 25.06.2018.
It has come to the notice of All India Union that the combined Duty Allowance due to the BPMs stands denied by some Circles. On this issue, necessary clarificatory orders after verification the Following points may be issued early, so that the BPMs will get the CDA eligible to them without unnecessary delay:
1. BPMs duty hours are fixed as 4 hours TRCA Level I ( Rs 12000) and 5 hours (level II Rs 14500),
2. In Directorate letter No, 17-31/2016-GDS dtd 29-07-2019, Para-II Circle heads are directed to ensure that BPM are keeping their offices open for 4 or 5 hours and working in office itself.
3. The duties of those posts which were remaining in the establishment of the office and later abolished as a measure of cutting short of expenditure are now combined with the duties of BPMs, which will include the duties of EDMCs also, BPMs were getting combined duty allowance up to 30.06.2018 at the rate in force.
4. When the new TRCA was fixed from 30.06.2018 to 31.07.2018,combined duty allowance is seen stopped on the plea that some posts (abolished as stated above) are not in the establishment which is bare denial of justice.
5. Asper Annexure I cited above, combined duty allowance is payable when duties of 2 posts are combined. This is to be taken as including the post in which the official is working.
6. Asper Rule 3a (1) of the GDS C& E Rules, GDS employees need not work beyond 5 hours a day.
7. Duty of Mail conveyance attended to by the BPM is after completion of duty of 4 or 5 hours,
8. Mail conveyance or Mail delivery is not to be included in the work load of BPM.
9. It is due to this ruling, that the combined duty allowance ( Monthly by maximum) payable to BPM is, fixed vide DOP OM No. 17-31/2016-GDS dtd 25.06.2018 and previously approved by the Central Cabinet on 06.06.2018.But the contents of the above OM is misinterpreted as mentioned below:
Assessing that the availability of the post in the establishment is an essential fact to pay combined duty allowance,
‘Now the bus charge from BO to AO is met from the pocket of BPM. It is nothing other than due justice to refund them this expense.
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