Appeal to Postal Employees by DOP on Postal National wide General Strike 2022 | Notice for strike on 28ᵗʰ and 29ᵗʰ March, 2022
This is regarding notice for strike on 28ᵗʰ and 29ᵗʰ March, 2022 given by some of the Service Associations.
2. In this regard, we already had detailed discussions with staff representatives. They were apprised of the developments vis-a-vis the demands raised and significant actions undertaken by the department in the last few months.
3. I would draw your attention to the fact that call for the strike has been given at a time when various activities of the Department are gradually picking up the momentum which was adversely impacted during the Covid pandemic. Any attempt of strike will not only hurt the revival of revenue generating activities of the Department, but also will erode the goodwill earned by the
Department during COVID-19 pandemic by providing postal services at the doorstep of the customers. This is the time to work together to take the Department forward, which may further contribute to economic revival of the Nation.
4. In the recent past, periodical meetings with Service Associations have been held wherein various issues were discussed. Some decisions were taken at the spot while in other issues good progress has been made. As such, the reasonable demands can be discussed, resolved and implemented within the framework of current economic constraints and rules of the Government of India.
5. I would, therefore, urge you to think again before you make up your mind for joining the strike. My appeal to you is to follow your conscience and decide what is good for the public and also for the Department.
Yours sincerely,
(Vineet Pande )
All the Employees Department of Posts
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