Allocation of Short Code 155299 to IPPB, Department of Posts (DOP) by DOT(Department of Telecom)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
‘Access Services Wing
20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001
No. 16-1/2017-AS-II/ShortCodes/467/67 Dated: 08-03-2022
All Access Service Providers.
Subject: - Allocation of Short Code 155299 to IPPB, Department of Posts.
This is in partial modification to DoT letter No. 16-3/2009-AS-III(Part)/86/515
dated 09.01.2017 and letter No. 16-1/2017-AS-III/Short codes/99/1042 dated
06.08.2018 (copy enclosed) vide which the short code ‘155299’ was allocated for India Post Payment Bank, Department of Posts. In this regard, the undersigned is directed by competent authority to state that short code ‘155299’ may now be read as “Metered Service: Calling Party Pays".
2. The short code shall now be mapped at number 0120-2558100.
3. Allother features shall remain same.
4. All are requested to take necessary action.
Signed by Sanchit Kumar Garg
Date: 08-03-2022 11:29:30
(Sanchit Kumar Garg)
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action, if any, to:
Secretary, TRAI.
3. Shri Ankit Lamba, Sr. Manager-Operations, India Post Payment Bank Limited, Post office, Speed Post Centre Building, Market Road, New Delhi w.r-t. letter No.IPPB/Ops/CC/2021-22/81 dated 01.03.2022 with a request to appoint 2 nodal officer to implement the helpline. The Nodal officer may contact Sr. DDG (LSA), LSA Unit,concerned States/UTs..
4, Director (P&N), DoT (HQ) (respective LSA field unit may be asked to co-ordinate with respective Nodal Officers and TSPs for implementation of Helpline, as and when approached).
5. A copy for upload on DoT Website.
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