Upgradation of Grade pay of the ASPs to Rs.4800 and that of the SPOs to Rs.5400 w.e.f 1.1.2006 consequent to the up-gradation of GP of Inspector of Posts for (short IP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Upgradation of Grade pay of the ASPs to Rs.4800 and that of the SPOs to Rs.5400 w.e.f 1.1.2006 consequent to the up-gradation of GP of Inspector of Posts for (short IP)

The OAs are filed in regard to upgradation of Grade pay  (short GP) of the Asst. Post of Post Offices for short (ASP ) to Rs.4800 and that of the Supdt. of  Post offices for short SP) to Rs.5400 w.e.f 1.1.2006 consequent to the up-gradation of GP of Inspector of Posts for (short IP)

from 1.1.2006 by the respondents. The relief sought being identical from the same respondents a common order is passed in respect of both the OAs.

3.  Brief facts of the case are that the applicants were appointed as Inspectors of Posts on various dates in the Dept. of Posts for short DOP) and further promoted as Asst. Supdt. of Posts and Supdt. of Post Offices on seniority basis. As on the date of implementation of the 6'Ê° CPC, the applicants were working as IP, ASP & SP respectively and some of them have retired in different grades referred to. After around 11 years from the date of implementation of 6áµ—Ê° CPC, DOP issued a memo dated 24.10.2017 with the approval of the Ministry of Finance lfor short MOV vide Inter 

Departmental note lfor short I.D note) dated 18.10.2017, upgrading the grade pay of IP from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 with retrospective effect from 1.1.2006. Consequentially the grade pays of the promotional posts of ASP & SP were not augmented, despite 6'Ê° CPC recommendations having been accepted by the Govt. of India for short GOD. Aggrieved over the same, the OA is filed.

4.  The contentions of the applicant are that the OM dated 24.10.2017 issued by the respondents is not in consonance with para 7.6.14 of the 6áµ—Ê° CPC report. The Grade pay for short GP) was enhanced 

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