RPLI Bonus Rate 2022-23 | Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) Bonus Rates for FY 2022-23 will be Applicable from 01.04.2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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RPLI Bonus Rate 2022-23 | Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) Bonus Rates for FY 2022-23 will be Applicable from 01.04.2022

 Ministry of Communications

(Department of Posts)

(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance)


New Delhi, the 14th January, 2022

F. No. 04-02/2019-LI — In exercise of powers conferred vide Rule 3 of Post Office Life Insurance Rules (2011) and on the basis of Actuarial Valuation of the assets and liabilities of Rural Post Office Life Insurance Fund (RPOLIF) as on 31.03.2021, the Director General (Posts) is pleased to declare a simple Reversionary Bonus on the Rural Postal Life Insurance Policies on their becoming claims, due to death or maturity at the following rates

Type of RPLI Insurance Policy

Rate of Bonus

i. Whole Life Assurance (WLA)

Rs. 60/- per thousand of sum assured

ii. Endowment Assurance (EA) (including children policies)

Rs. 48/- per thousand of sum assured

iii. Anticipated Endowment Assurance (AEA)

Rs. 45/- per thousand of sum assured

iv. Convertible Whole Life Policies (CWA)

Whole Life bonus rate would be applicable, but on conversion, Endowment Assurance bonus rate will be applicable

v. Terminal Bonus

Rs. 20/- per sum assured of Rs. 10,000/- subject to maximum of Rs. 1000 for Whole life assurance and Endowment assurance policies with term of 20 years or more.


2. The rates of RPLI (Rural Postal Life Insurance) Bonus mentioned above for the Financial Year 2022-23 will be applicable from 01.04.2022.

3. Interim Bonus at the rates mentioned above will also be payable for all claims arising due to maturity or death until future valuation is completed.

4. The amount of Bonus involving a fraction of 50 paisa or more shall be rounded off to the next higher Rupee and fraction below SO paisa shall be ignored.

ANJU NIGAM, Chief General Manager (PLI)

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