Revised procedure for capture of specimen signature and Photo KYC Form from Head Post Offices
Revised procedure for capture of specimen signature and Photo KYC Form. Ref FSI/9-13/CPC/IV/21-22 dated 18.02.2022
The competent authority has ordered that the procedure signature and photo scanning circulated vide Director (CBS) vide email email dated 28-3-215 communicated vide CPC, Bengaluru email from dated 5- 12-2018 may be followed as per the directorate instructions rolling back from existing decentralised procedure of scanning at Head Post Offices.
2. Accordingly, it is decided to hold a google meet in this regard to sensitize the issue on Monday, 21st February, 2022 at 10:30 AM onwards. All the PM I DPM / PA handling scanning / uploading the photo at Head Post Offices and OA and ASP concerned at Divisional offices as well as Regional Office are requested to join the virtual meeting for which id will be shared separately in the FS group. The procedure to be followed is prescribed in the Annexure enclosed. All are requested to complete the process of pending KYC forms by 28-02-2022 and submit the Completion confimation certificate to CBC as prescribed. The pendency as on 18-02-2022 for all the CIF created / modified so far may be submitted in the following format immediately
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