Recognition of Service Associations under CCS (RSA) Rules,1993 - Validity of recognition of Service Association.
F.No.09-01//018-SR(Part). Government 0f India. Department of Posts.(SR Section).
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi, dated 28.01.2022
Subject: Recognition of Service Associations under CCS (RSA) Rules,1993- Validity of recognition of Service Association.
The undersigned is directed to refer to O.M. No. 13-01/2015 (SR-Vol.II) dated 19.07.2019 and dated 23.09.2019 wherein result of re-verificatiof1 of serYice association was issued.
In terms of provisions contained in DOPT O.M.No. 2/13/98-ICA dated 10.02.2002 and Para 4 of this Department's letter No.13-01/2015-SR dated 09.06.2015, Order of the Competent Authority for partial modification to para 2 of O.M.No. 13-01/2015 (SR-Vol.II) dated 19.07.2019 are issued that
"effective date of Recognition of Service Associati0pt will be valid for 5 years with effect from 19.07.2019”. This modification will be read along With OM NO 13-01/2015 (SR-Vol II) dated 23.09.2019.
3. The above order is subject to the outcome of following court cases: -
i. SB Civil WP No.6895/2015 filed by All India Association of Postmaster Cadre and connected with SB Civil WP No.8707/2015 filed by Bharatiya Postal Employees Association Group ’C' Rajasthan Circle, before High Court of Rajasthan at Jodhpur.
ii. CWP No.542/2020 before Delhi High Court filed by All India Association of Postal Supervisors (General Line).
iii. OA No.310/00586/2021 filed by All India Association of Postal Supervisors (General Line) in Central Administrative Tribunal, Chennai.
3. Hindi version will follow.
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