Postal LDCE AAO Exam Notification 2022 | AAO ( Assistant Account Officer) Exam Notification 2022 | LDCE AAO Exam Syllabus & Pattern of Examination - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Postal LDCE AAO Exam Notification 2022 | AAO ( Assistant Account Officer) Exam Notification 2022 | LDCE AAO Exam Syllabus & Pattern of Examination

Postal Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) AAO Exam Notification- 2022.  for AAO cadre of IP&TAFS Group-B-reg. Notification dated 15.02.2022

The Examination Notification of the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2022 for AAO cadre of IP&TAFS Group-B along with annexure ’A’ to ’F’ is enclosed herewith for wide circulation and further necessary action.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2022 for Recruitment to AAO Cadre of IP&TAFS, Group ‘B’

1.Schedule of Postal LDCE AAO Examination:

Date of Notification : 15áµ—Ê° February, 2022

Last Date for Receipt of Applications for 

Applicants (Other Than Army Postal Service & On   : 8th March, 2022

Deputation Out of DoT/DoP)

Last Date for Receipt of Applications for 

Applicants of Army Postal Service & On Deputation Out of  : 15th March, 2022


Tentative date of display of vacancy year wise  : 13th April, 2022 

provisional eligibility of applicants'

Tentative date of issue of Admit Card  : 11th May, 2022

Tentative date of Commencement of AAO Examination is on : 26th May, 2022

Duration of Examination:

4 days (depending on number of candidates, paper VI may be held an more than one dates/shifts)

2.   Eligibility Criteria:

As per the Indian Posts and Telecommunications Accounts and Finance Service Group ‘B’, (Accounts Officers and Assistant Accounts officers) Recruitment Rules 2018 {hereinafter referred to as (Recruitment Rules) notified in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II-Section 3-Sub section 

(i) on 2nd April 2018, the vacancies in the AAO cadre are to be filled up by promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for employees of Department of Posts (DoP) and 

Departments of Telecommunications(DoT) under the Ministry of Communications, Government of India. All candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions mentioned in the Recruitment Rules, as on crucial date for respective years (as stated in 3 below), are eligible to appear for the above examination.

As per Recruitment Rules, only officials of Group-C cadre of Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications possessing a bachelor‘s degree from a recognized university or institute (other than Junior Accountants and Sr, Accountants in PAos of Department of Posts, PAF Wing at Headquarters and various field offices of DoT such as office of CCAs, CGCA, NICF and DoT Headquarters) with requisite qualifying service are eligible to appear in LDCE- 2022 for AAD Examination. Officials working as Accountants or designated as Accountant in any other establishment of DOP or DoT cannot be equated as JAs/SAs of Accounts & Finance establishment.

However, applicants who were working in Group-B on substantive basis as on date of application shall be considered eligible only for those vacancy years for which they were eligible as on respective crucial cut-off date as stated as para 3 below. Similarly, candidates shall be considered eligible only for those vacancy years for which they were possessing bachelor degree from recognized University or Institute and having requisite regular qualifying service as on respective crucial cut-off date as stated in para 3 below.

As per Note in Column 11 of Recruitment Rules,

where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service any being considered/or promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying service or eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying service or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period for promotion to  the next higher grade along with their juniors who have completed such qualifying or eligibility service.’

Any candidate claiming his eligibility in accordance with this note may suitably fill item 10 of application form carefully.

The vacancy year wise provisional eligibility of the applicants shall be displayed on in due course and 7 (seven) working days' time shall be available to the applicants to represent to respective State Nodal Officer. The revised provisional eligibility list shall be displayed on subsequently. No representation in this regard shall be entertained thereafter.

3.   Crucial Date for Determining Eligibility .

The crucial date for eligibility shall be considered for each vacancy year separately as below:

Vacancy Year   Crucial Cut-off Date 

2018  01/04/2018

2019  01/01/2019

2020  01/01/2020

2021  01/01/2021

2022  01/01/2022

4.   Syllabus & Pattern of Examination:

Syllabus of examination shall be as per Annexure F to this Notification. No books/manuals are permitted in the examination hall. Possession of any material/books/notes/diary etc. shalt amount to unfair means and shall be dealt with accordingly.

The pattern and schema of the question papers is as follows:

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