Payment of Honorarium to staff working at Post Office CPC | Postal CPC Honorarium 2022
F. No. 28-03/2019-LI
Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance)
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-21
Dated: 01.02.2022
Head of Circles
Subject: Payment of honorarium to staff working at CPC - reg
This is regarding payment of honorarium to operational staff working at CPC in connection with liquidation of new proposals indexed in PLI and RPLI till 31.03.2022.
2. To motivate CPC officials and other staff of Division/Region/Circle working at CPC, It has been decided that they may be considered for payment of honorarium on procurement of new PLI/RPLI policies at the following rates:
Activity - Honorarium amount per new PLI/RPLI business proposal (in Rs.) is:
Indexing of new business proposal (at BO/SO/HO)- ₹2
Scanning Assistance at CPC-₹2
Data Entry Operator at CPC-₹2
Quality Checker at CPC-₹2
Approvcr at CPC-₹2
Issuance of Policy Bond -₹2
Total- ₹12
3. This honorarium is admissible for new PLI and RPLI policies indexed upto 31st March, 2022 and will be paid only after the policy bond is issued for a newly indexed PU/RLI policy.
4. This issues with approval of the competent authority.
(Shiv Kumar)
Assistant Director (PLI)
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