PA Induction Training | Conduct of Postal Assistants (DR/Deptl.) Induction training of batch No. 390th through Online (Theoretical) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PA Induction Training | Conduct of Postal Assistants (DR/Deptl.) Induction training of batch No. 390th through Online (Theoretical)

Regarding conduct of Postal Assistants (DR/Deptl.) Induction training of batch No. 390th through Online (Theoretical).


This is regarding conduct of Postal Assistants (DR/Deptl.) Induction training through Online 


2.  As per the orders contained in Training Division, Postal Directorate letter No. 01-22/2010-Trg. 

dated 09.09.2021, (copy enclosed), this PTC with the approval of competent authority decides and schedules Induction training programme for Postal Assistants (DR/Deptl.) batch No. 390th as under:-

2.1  First part of the said Induction Training i.e. Theoretical part will be held on C-DOT meetings  platform from 28.02.2022 to 31.03.2022 (25 days) as per the schedule enclosed as Annexure-A.

2.2  The schedule for second part of the said Induction training i.e. Practical training will be intimated in due course.

3.   For the said batch, the following seats are hereby allotted to the concerned Circles. It is requested to issue orders for first part of the training for PA cadre staff waiting for Induction training to join through C-DOT meetings specifically through respective WTCs where Trainers will keep attendance register in the WTC and will mark attendance of the candidates during the entire period of Theoretical training.

4.   As per instructions of the Directorate, a maximum of two days leave can be granted to the candidates during entire training period.

5.   In view of above, it is requested to kindly nominate the PA (DR/Deptl.) cadre staff waiting for Induction Training for the Batch No. 390" starting from 28.02.2022.

6.1  Also, It is requested to send the consolidated nominations by 22.02.2022, furnishing the following information in soft copy (MS Excel only) by email at :

Name & Period of the course: PA (DR) Induction Training   Period: 28.02.2022 to 31.03.2022 SI.  

Name  of Gender  Designation Division/Region/  Whatsapp Number Email ID of No. Official             

Circle Name    of the official    the official

6.2  Further, it is requested to send the consolidated information of the concerned SSPOs/SPOs and WTCs In-charge/Trainer along with above information in below prescribed format:

Name of the WTC/Training Venue:

Details  of  Name  of  In- Gender  Designation Division/Region Whatsapp   Email ID the       

Charge/Trainer             / Circle Name   Number  of  of  the concerned                            

     the official   official


WTC   In-



7.   Detailed instruction/SOP on conduct of online training is attached separately as Annexure-B for further circulation to all unit heads and all trainees who are being nominated for training. The online training will be conducted through C-DOT (Centre for development of Telematics) Video 

Conferencing Solution, developed by Telecom Technology Centre of Govt. of India.

8.  The nominated candidates should be exclusively spared for the said online training. To attend the online training, the officials should have laptop/desktop with inbuilt camera/web camera with 

uninterrupted connectivity during the online training sessions.

9.  The Quick User Guide and instructions for attending the C-DOT meetings are enclosed as Annexure- C for ready reference of the participants.

10.  A whatsapp group will be created for WTCs Trainer/In-Change and Divisional Heads for communicating to the nominated participants and detailed information will also be shared to them through the respective whatsapp group. As a test check, the demo session will be conducted on 25.02.2022 (Friday) at 10:00 AM onwards before the commencement of the said courses from 28.02.2022. All participants may be directed to join the said demo class through broadband using Computer / Laptop only from the respective WTCs/Training Venue. Demo session link will also be shared to the nominated participants in the respective whatsapp group.

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