Magazine Post | New Service/Product of India Post "Magazine Post" is from 01st March 2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Magazine Post | New Service/Product of India Post "Magazine Post" is from 01st March 2022

F. NO. BD/2/2021-BDMD-DOP.Government of India. Ministry of Communications. Department of Posts. Business Development Directorate. Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.

Dated 09th February,2022
To, The CPMG's Delhi, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal and Tamilnadu

Subject:- Regarding new Product Magazine Post.

All India Magazine Association had taken up the issue with regard to delay/non-delivery of Magazines to its subscriber with the Hon'ble MOC.

2. Accordingly, after series of discussions with the Members of AIM, BD Directorate has designed a new product i.e 'Magazine Post" which will have tracking facility.
3. The magazines will be posted from PSOs situated in 10 identified locations across India i.e Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Lucknow, Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Guwahati, Bengalore and Hyderabad. In case PSO is not available at these identified locations, magazines will be posted from L1 unregistered office. The details of tentative number of magazines received from AIM to be posted from each location is attached herewith.

4. It is proposed to launch this service on 01st March 2022 from Delhi and Mumbai on pilot basis. SOP is attached for necessary reference.

5. In this regard it is requested that following actions may kindly be ensured for seamless launch of this product at all the sites mentioned at para '3' above.

(a) Identification of adequate space in PSO/L1 unregistered office.

(b) Availability of computer and peripherals

(c) Provisioning of adequate manpower

(d) Refresher training for staff based on the SOP attached

(e) CSI Id of PSO

A report in this regard should reach this office latest by 15.02.2022 positively so that a compliance report can be submitted to the office of the Hon'ble MOC.

(Pranav Kumar) General Manager (BD)

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