how to link ippb with posb online | Process to Link POSA (Joint B Accounts) with IPPB Account
Type of Joint Accounts in DOP – POSA Joint Accounts POSB Joint account can be opened by two or three adults and to be operated by them. Any number of accounts can be opened by the depositor(s) but NOT more than one single, one joint account and one Minor Account as Guardian can be opened in each post office. A person can open two joint accounts with two different partners at the same post office. For example, if A,B and C open a joint account in one post office, A can also open separate joint accounts with B & C respectively. In other words, A can open one separate Joint Account with B and another separate Joint Account with C.
Download Linking of IPPB Account with POSA Account
Process to Link POSA with IPPB Account:
Refer Process document : IPPB/OPS/PQ/POSA/SOP/06 “Enhancements in POSA Linkage process” dated 18.08.2021. SOP to link a POSA account with IPPB remains the same. Hence, all controls w.r.t Name checking by end user using POSA Passbook and scrutiny at CPC, in eligible cases, as per afore mentioned SOP remains the same. With the introduction of this new permitted account variant i.e. POSA Joint-B type account , the only additional change for linkage is that customer must provide the CIF of the same person from POSA Joint-B Account who is having an IPPB account and is to be linked with that particular IPPB Account.
For E.g – If Miss X and Miss Y are having a Joint –B type account in DoP, then i) If X’s Account is available in IPPB, then POSA CIF of X to be provided along with POSA Account ii) If Y’s Account is available in IPPB, then POSA CIF of Y to be provided along with POSA Account Note : In all cases, only one POSA can be linked to one IPPB Account. Error Code : In case any other mode of Operation than “Single” or “Joint-B Account” is tried to be linked with an IPPB Account, following error will be displayed
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