Grant of Non-Functional Up-gradation (NFU) (GP 5400/-in Level-9) to AAOs on completion of Four years of service in Postal AAO cadre | 5400 to AAOs (Assistant Account Officers) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Grant of Non-Functional Up-gradation (NFU) (GP 5400/-in Level-9) to AAOs on completion of Four years of service in Postal AAO cadre | 5400 to AAOs (Assistant Account Officers)

 File NO 38 (1)/18/PA

Government of India

Ministry of communication's,

Department of  Posts,

Postal Accounts Wing,   1

Dak Bhawan, New Delhl-11000

Dated  28.02.2022

Subject: - Implementations of Recommendations of 7th CPC- Para 11.12.140 - Grant of Non-Functional Up-gradation (Gp 5400/-in Level-9)  to AAOs on completion of Four years of service in AAO cadre.  

Please refer this office letter 25.06.2019 vide which details of eligible AAOs were called for granting of Grade pay of Rs. 5400 (PB2) i.e. in level 9 of pay matrix

in case of Assistant Accounts officers of the IP&TAFS Gr ‘B’ who have completed 4 years of regular service as on recommendations  of  7th  CPC, 01.01.2016  consequent  on implementation of subsequently  issued  by  Ministry  of  Finance (Department  of Expenditure),  New  Delhi  OF  No.  25-2/2017-IC/E.III(A)   dated 18.06.2018.

As per reports received from concerned units, 173 officers have been granted NFU vide this office  order dated 24.12.2019 & 28 officers have been granted NFU vide this office order dated 19.01.2022.

Now, in this regard you are once again requested to ensure that all eligible officers (serving/retired) of your units have been granted the benefits of NFU. If any officer is left out i.e. not granted the benefits due to any reason, please inform (enclosed) latest by 15.03.2022 positively. this office with details In prescribed proforma 

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

DA: As Above

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