CGHS Problems-Difficulties being faced by the CGHS beneficiaries both Serving employees and Pensioners due to withdrawal of empanelment and nonpayment of amount due to the hospitals. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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CGHS Problems-Difficulties being faced by the CGHS beneficiaries both Serving employees and Pensioners due to withdrawal of empanelment and nonpayment of amount due to the hospitals.


The Secretary

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India,

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.

Ph.: 23382286

National Council (Staff Side)

13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi - 110001 E-Mail :

February 1, 2022

Subb: Difficulties being faced by the  CGHS beneficiaries both  Serving  employees  and  Pensioners due  to withdrawal  of  empanelment  and  nonpayment  of amount due to the hospitals.

Dear Sir,

This office has been receiving complaints from Employees, Pensioners and their Organizations  that off late in many places including Chennai, Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad , Bengaluru, Mumbai, Kolkata etc., the CGHS has withdrawn the empanelment. of many Hospitals including Multispecialty 

Hospitals.  More. over many hospitals are refusing to extend cashless treatment to the CGHS beneficiaries on the plea that a huge amount is due from the Government/CGHS to these Hospitals, mainly for the treatment given to the Pensioners. For the Ruby Hall Clinic Pune has told the Pensioners that their outstanding dues receivable from the CGHS against the claim raised by the 

Hospital is over Rs.23 Crore and that inspite of their repeated representations and sonal approach to the CGHS authorities the matter is remaining unsettled.

Due to the above sudden development employees and Pensioners are subjected to undue hardship. In Chennai, since the Multispecialty Hosp'*< I +IOT Hospital has been withdrawn from the empanelment, the employees and Pensioners are facing lot of difficulties including to undergo dialysis treatment and Chemotherapy & Radiation etc. This is a matter of serious concern. The CGHS 

empanelled hospitals have now started insisting that they will not give cashless treatment and that 

the beneficiary has to deposit the payment for the medical treatment and subsequently to reimburse the same. Another reason the empanelled Hospitals are quoting is that CGHS rates were last revised in the year 2014 since it is more than 8 years they cannot afford to continue treatment to the CGHS beneficiaries. This defeat the entire purpose of CGHS scheme. 

Considering the seriousness of the situation, I request you to kindly intervene in the matter and 

to arrange for the following

1) Empanel ment of more Hospitals under the CGHS in all the CGHS Governed areas including the major 

cities like Chennai, Pune, Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad‘s etc. and to re- empanel 

the Hospitals which are withdrawn

2) To settle all the dues to the CGHS empanelled Hospitals and to insist them to continue cashless 

treatment to the employees and the Pensioners.

3) To revise the CGHS rates for all Medical procedures/surgical

procedures, investigations, consultations etc.

In  this regard the undersigned  along with few Staff  Side Members would like to meet you in 

persons for discussing and settle the issues.

Awaiting for your favourable action please.

Thanking you,

Copy To:

Yours sincerely,

(Shiva Gopal Nlishra)


) Shri. Alok Saxena,

Additional Secretary    for kind information and

Ministry of Health & F.W   favourable action please.

2) The Deputy Secretary JCA

Department of Personnel & Training

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