Better ambience for Postal Sub Divisional Offices | Haryana Circle Writes a letter to Directorate for necessary action dated 28.12.2021
Regarding resolution of committee for better ambience of sub-Divisional Offices.
Ref:-BD-23/6/2021-Building-DOP dated 07/12/2021
Respected Sir, In above context, it is submitted that majority of Sub-Divisional offices in Haryana Circle are functioning in the premises of HOs/MDGs or other Departmental buildings & are being maintained periodically However, Divisional Heads have submitted that following are urgently needed in the offices of sub-Divisional Heads to carry out the duties smoothly & promptly:-
1. Provisioning of one Postal Assistant along with one MTS for assistance of Sub-Divisional Head
2. Computer/Laptops and peripherals may be provided, with latest version and configurations to the Sub-Divisional Heads.
3. Provisioning of ACs in sub-Divisional offices may be considered
4.Bike mileage to be allowed to sub-Divisional Heads when on tour/inspections/outstation during duty hours.
This issues with approval of the competent authority
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