All India Postal Sports Calendar for the year 2022-2023 | DOP Annual Sports Calendar 2022 | Indiapost Sports Calendar 2022-23 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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All India Postal Sports Calendar for the year 2022-2023 | DOP Annual Sports Calendar 2022 | Indiapost Sports Calendar 2022-23

 All India Postal Sports Calendar for the year 2022-23- reg. 

Sir/Madam, This is regarding formation of All India Postal Sports calendar as per precedents same would be drawn in consultation with the Postal Circle Sports Boards. 

2. In order to ensure timely finalization of the All India Postal Sports Calendar for the year 2022-23, all the Postal Circles are requested to furnish the requisite information in the enclosed proforma latest by 15th March, 2022. 

3. The list of 13 Sports Events and other Events as Under:

1 Cultural Meet 2. Basketball 3. Athletics & Cycling 4. Cricket 5. Badminton 6. Football 7. Carrom 8. Hockey 9. Chess 10. Kabaddi 11. Table Tennis 12. Volleyball 13. Wrestling Cultural Meet Weightlifting/Power lifting/Best Physique 

4. It is being attempted to begin the conduct of All India Postal Tournaments from April 2022 considering lowering of COVID cases and successfully conduct all above proposed events by December 2022. 

5. In this regard, it would be relevant to mention that in the I/47886/2022 matter of allotment of events preference will be given to the Circles which did not play host during previous years. The weather conditions, availability of stadiums and whether National Games or International Tournaments etc. are being held in the selected City may also please be kept in view before submitting proposals. Further, rotation of events is another factor which is to be kept in view while finalizing the Sports Calendar. Therefore it is requested that overcrowding of events may kindly be avoided and dates selected between April to December. The first Sports Tournament is likely to commence from April 2022 and will end with the Cultural Meet in December 2022. Organizing of events may kindly be avoided during last quarter keeping in view the financial year end rush of work and meeting of Targets. 

6. Guidelines/SOP issued in respect of COVID-19 by authorities concerned are to be followed. 

7. As requested, the requisite information may be furnished by 15.03.2022 positively

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