PLI RPLI Camps for January 2022 | Schedule of PLI and RPLI Camps/ Melas /Procurement drives in the month of January-2022. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PLI RPLI Camps for January 2022 | Schedule of PLI and RPLI Camps/ Melas /Procurement drives in the month of January-2022.

Sub:- Schedule of PLI and RPLI Camps/ Melas /Procurement drives in the month of January-2022.

In this connection, PLI Directorate has decided to organize Maha-Login days in the month of January-2022 as per following schedule:

(i) PLI: 12th and 24th January-2022

(ii) RPLI : 13th and 25th January-2022

2. Units are requested to kindly ensure that maximum number of new policies are procured during these Maha-Login days, so that achievement in the month of January-2022 is greater than previous months,

3. Information in the prescribed format (enclosed) may be sent to Circle by 14 ( for Maha- Login days on 12th and 13th ) and 27% (for for Maha-Login days on 24th and 25th) January-2022, 12:00 hrs for further submission to PLI Directorate 

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