PAO Draft Recruitment Rules 2022 | Framing of Draft Recruitment Rules of JA/SA/DA/AAS Staff in PAOs (Postal Accounts Offices) 2022 |
No. 251 (01)/2021/AP Admn
Government of India. Ministry of Communications,
Department of Posts,
PA Wing, Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi Dated 12.01.2022
Sub: Framing of draft Recruitment Rules of JA/SA/DA/AAS Staff in PAOs-circulation there of
In view of proposed cadre review/ restructuring of JA/SA cadre of Postal Accounts Offices into JA/SA/DA/AAS cadre on the line of structure implemented by CAG (which need to be followed in the organized accounts cadres as per recommendations of 4th CPC), which is still awaiting approval from the Competent Authority, the undersigned has been directed to send herewith the proposed draft Recruitment Rules of JA/SA/DA/AAS for comments of stakeholders.
2. All stakeholders are requested to go through the draft Recruitment Rules and furnish their comments, if any, to the undersigned within a period of one month from the date of issue of the communications.
This is issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Hindi version will follow.
Download Draft Recruitment Rules of PAOs in PDF
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