IPPB CELC Operator Certification | Request for relaxations on Operator Certifications and request to permit Child enrolment by IPPB operators
HQ-16011(25)/1/2021-EU-I-HQ. Government of India. Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology. Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). E&U Division
*** 7 TH Floor, UIDAI Head Quarter, Bangla Sahib Road, New Delhi-110 001 Date: 04th January 2022
.Sir, Sub: Request for relaxations on Operator Certifications and request to permit Child enrolment by IPPB operators –reg.
Ref: 1. Request received from IPPB through letter dated 27.12.2021.
2. This office letter of even number dated 28.09.2021 (copy attached).
Please refer your letter dated 27.12.2021 on the above subjects. In continuation to this office letter dated 28.09.2021 on the subject, the undersigned is directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority for extension of period as follows.
Period of on-boarding the operators Time line for completion of certification/ deboarding from system if not certified.
February to May 2021 - 31st January 2022
June 2021 - 28th February 2022
July 2021/August – Sept 2021 - 31st March 2022
2. All other terms and condition for operator on-boarding and child enrolment shall continue as per the approval conveyed vide letter dated 28.09.2021. 3. This issues with the approval of CEO, UIDAI.
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