IPPB CELC Exam New Test Structure from 01st January 2022 | Aadhaar Certification Exam for “ECMP Operator/Supervisor” and “CELC Operator” through NSEIT Ltd
This is to inform all the candidates interested in taking Aadhaar Certification Exam for “ECMP Operator/Supervisor” and “CELC Operator” through NSEIT Ltd, that as per directions of UIDAI, the Test Structure to take the said certification exam has been amended with effect from 01st January, 2022.
The new Handbook (Training content) in regional languages is available at following link: https://uidai.gov.in/ecosystem/training-testing-certification-ecosystem.html for self study and appearing in the certification exam.
Note: For verification purpose, Candidates are advised to download latest copy of their eAadhaar (downloaded after 15th February 2019) from the following link: https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in and carry the black/white/colored print out of the same at NSEIT Ltd exam centre on date of exam.
TEST STRUCTURE – ECMP OPERATOR/ SUPERVISOR EXAM CONDUCTED BY TESTING AND CERTIFICATION AGENCY Test Structure for ECMP Operator cum Supervisor Exam applicable from 01st January 2022 will be as follows:
The duration of the test is 120 minutes. The total marks for the exam is 100. Any candidate scoring 55 or more marks shall get certified as ECMP Operator cum Supervisor. Candidates scoring less than 55 marks shall be declared fail and such candidates will have to apply for retest and have to write the test again. Any candidate who fails or absent in the exam can use the same TCA registration ID to schedule their retest. Retest fee has to be paid by the candidate.
TEST STRUCTURE – CELC OPERATOR CERTIFICATION BY TESTING AND CERTIFICATION AGENCY Test Structure for CELC Operator Exam applicable from 01st January 2022 will be as follows:
The duration of the tests is 50 minutes. Any candidate scoring 19 or more marks shall get certified as Operator CELC and candidate scoring below 19 marks shall be failed. CELC Operator can only perform Child Enrolment using CELC tablet and will not be able to perform any other type of enrolment (ECMP or UCL
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