Transfer of work relating to Small Savings Schemes | Printing, Supply and Monitoring AAR Books, CTS Cheque books and ASLAAS-5 cards from National Savings Institute to Department of Posts. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Transfer of work relating to Small Savings Schemes | Printing, Supply and Monitoring AAR Books, CTS Cheque books and ASLAAS-5 cards from National Savings Institute to Department of Posts.

 File No. FS- 1413/2021'FS'

DOP Government of India 

Ministry of Communications 

Department of Posts (F.S. Division)

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 27.12.2021

Subject: Transfer of work relating to Small Savings Schemes - Reg. 

Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance vide OM No. PNl2/5(d)2021 dated 12.10.2021 decided to transfer the works relating to obtaining of indents, printing, supply and monitoring AAR Books, CTS Cheque books and ASLAAS-5 cards from National Savings Institute to Department of Posts. 

2. DOP suggested to DEA(MOF) that the work of printing and supply of these items for the current year may be continued through NSI in the current financial year and DOP may take up the work from the next financial year. Matter has been accordingly considered by DEA, MOF in its OM No. 7/4/202l-BA dated 27.12.2021. 

3. Printing and supply of the above said items for the financial year 2021 - 2022 will continue to be carried out by NSI. DOP will undertake the printing and supply of these items from the next financial year

4. In this connection, a detailed procedure for printing and supply of the above said three items will be formulated and circulated, at the earliest. 

5. This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority.  

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