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Timeline for Disciplinary Proceedings | Timely finalization of Departmental Inquiry Proceedings - Improving vigilance administration | Latest Guidelines by CVC 2021


Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex, Block A, INA, New Dclhf-110023

/No.... ...................000/VGL/018

Dated- 03-12-2021

Circular No. 21/12/21

Subject:- Timely  finalization  of  Departmental   Inquiry  Proceedings  -improving vigilance administration.

Reference: -  

(i) Commission's  Circular No. 8(1)(g)/99(2) dated 19.02.1999

(ii) Commission's  c›«ma r No. g(1)(g)/99(3) dated 03.03.1999

(iii) Commission's Circular  No. 3(v)/99(7) dated 06.09.1999

(iv) Commission's Circular No. 000/VGL/18 dated 23.05.2000

(v) Commission's  Office Order No. 51/08/2004 dated 10.08.2004

(vi) Commission's  Circular No. 02/01/2016 dated 18.01.2016

(vii) Commission's  Circular No. 18/12/20 dated 14.12.2020

(viii) Commission's  Circular  No. 19/09/21 dated  06.10.2021

The   Central   Vigilance   Commission,   as   part   of   its   functions   of   exercising superintendence  over  vigilance  administration  ot  the  organizations  covered  under  its advisory   jurisdiction   has,   time   and   again,   laid   emphasis   on   timely   completion   of disciplinary  proceedings.

2.        However, it has been observed that in cases where Regular Departmental Action for Major  Penalty  has  been  initiated,  one  of  the  main  reasons  for  delay  in  completion  of disciplinary   proceedings  is  due  to  the  delay  caused  in  the  inquiry  proceedings  being conducted  by  the  Inquiry  Officers.  The  Commission,  vide its Circular  dated  03.03.1999 had prescribed  the model time limit for the Inquiry  Officers  for conducting departmental inquiries. The same was reiterated vide circular dated 18.01.2016. The Model time limit is again  reproduced  below:-

Stage of Departmental  Inquiry

•    Fixing date of Preliminary  Hearing and inspection  of  listed documents,  submission  of  Defence  Documents/witnesses and nomination  of a Defence Assistant (DA) (if not already nominated) Time limit prescribed

Within  four  weeks from   the   date   of appointment        of Inquiry Officer.

•    Inspection  of  relied  upon  documents/submission of  list  of     Defence Witnesses/Defence   Documents/Examination   of relevancy   of   Defence   Documents/   Defence   Witnesses, procuring   of   additional   documents   and   submission   of certificates  confirming  inspection  of additional  documents by CO/DA  

3 months 

•    Issue  of  summons   to  the  witnesses,   fixing   the  date  of Regular   Hearing   and   arrangement   for   participation   of witnesses in the Regular hearing

3 months 

•    Regular Hearing on Day to Day basis 

3 months 

•    Submission of Writing Brief by PO to CO and IO                 

  15 days

•    Submission of Written Brief bv  CO to IO               

 15 days

•    Submission  of Inquiry  Report  from  the  date  of  receipt  of   Written Brief by PO/CO

30 days

3.        The Commission has directed that the above time schedule should be brought to the notice  of  all  Inquiry  Officers  (already  appointed/to  be  appointed  in  future)    for   strict compliance.

4.        The Commission has further directed that all the Inquiry Officers be asked to submit a   monthly   report   to   the   Disciplinary   Authority   concerned,   indicating   the   present status/progress of the inquiry proceedings being conducted by them.  A copy of the monthly report should  also be endorsed  to the CVO of the organizations concerned,  by the Inquiry Officer.  In case,  it  is  found  that  the  inquiry  proceedings  are  getting  delayed  beyond  the prescribed  time limit, the CVO concerned should immediately  take up the matter with the Inquiry Officer and Disciplinary  Authority  concerned to ensure timely  action.

5.        The above instructions may be noted for strict compliance and may also be brought to the notice of all the Disciplinary Authorities and Inquiry Officers.

(Rajiv Verma)



The Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments of Gol

All  Chief  Executives  of  CPSUs/Public  Sector  Banks/Public  Sector  Insurance 

Companies/Autonomous Bodies etc.

(iii)     All CVOs of Ministries/Departments of GoI/CPSUs/Public Sector Banks/Public Sector 

Insurance Companies/Autonomous Bodies etc.

(iv)      Website of CVC

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