Time for Submission of Life Certificate extended for CG Pensioners | Extension of time period for submission of Life Certificate by Central Government (CG) pensioners till December 31, 2021. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Time for Submission of Life Certificate extended for CG Pensioners | Extension of time period for submission of Life Certificate by Central Government (CG) pensioners till December 31, 2021.

 No.18/1/2020-P&PW(H) - III- 6786

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension Department of Pension & Pensioners'  Welfare

8th  Floor, Janpath Bhawan,

Janpath, New Delhi,

Dated the 1st December, 2021


Sub:   Extension  of  time  period  for  submission  of  Life  Certificate  by  Central Government pensioners  till December 31, 2021.

The   undersigned   is  directed   to  mention   that   every   Central   Government Retired  Employee  is  required  to  submit  life  certificate  in  the  month  of  November for  continuation  of his/her  pension.  It  has  been  observed  that  a  large  number  of Central Government  pensioners physically  visit bank  branch for this purpose.

2.         In  view of the ongoing  Covid-19  pandemic  in  various  states and keeping  in view  of  the  vulnerability  of  elderly  population  to  Corona  Virus,  it  has  now  been decided to extend  the existing  timeline for submission  of Life Certificate for all age group of  pensioners   from  30/11/2021  onwards.   

Now,  all   Central   Government pensioners   may   submit   Life  Certificate   till   31st   December,   2021 .   During   this extended   period,   the   pension   w ill   be   continued   to   be   paid   by   the   Pension  Disbursing Authorities  (PDAs) uninterrupted.

3.          The  above  measures  are  expected  to  avoid  rush  at  branches  and  maintain Covid-19  appropriate  behavior,  while  obtaining  Life  Certificates.  

PDAs  shall  also ensure proper  arrangements  and  social  distancing  measures  at  the  branches  and prevent over crowding.

4.       All  Pension  Disbursing  Authorities  are requested  to take note of this Office Memorandum  for  compliance  and  give  wide  publicity  to  the  same  amongst  the pensioners.

5.       This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

(Ashok  Kumar Singh)

Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

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