SOP for 75 Lakh Postcard Campaign | AKAM Post Card Campaign | CBSE-DOP Post Card Campaign | "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" (AKAM)
SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) FOR 75 LAKH POST CARD CAMPAIGN. Department of Posts and Department of School Education & Literacy
l. The Phase I of the Campaign shall commence on 1st December and end on 20th December, 2021 .
2. Schools affiliated to CBSE, including Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Vidyalayas as well as schools affiliated to all State Boards shall participate in the Campaign.
3. Participation of students belonging to Class IV to Class XII shall be ensured. The language used for Post Card writing shall be English, Hindi and all Scheduled languages. The students shall be required to write a Post Card on any of the two topics -"Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggle" and "My Vision for India in 2047".
4. Department of Posts (DOP) shall put a rubber stamped address on each Post Card used in the Campaign. The Post Cards shall be addressed to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, South Block, New Delhi-l l0 011. The Post Cards shall be arranged by the Postal Department through the local Post Office of the respective schools. The participating students shall purchase the Postcards @ 50 paisa per Post Card.
5. CBSE shall provide a list of all the CBSE affiliated schools, including Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Vidyalayas, along with contact details of Nodal Officers for each school, to DoP. The Postal Department shall provide the list of State and District Level Nodal Officers for Coordination of the Project with CBSE Regional Offices and School Heads as well as State and District Local Officers of the State Boards / State Education Departments
6. For the schools affrliated to State Boards, Department of School Education and Literacy shall send a communication to all the respective Chief Secretaries and Principal Secretary, School Education, requesting them to provide details of the Nodal Officers at State level as well as in each District for taking forward the Post Card Campaign with schools affiliated to State Boards. The Postal Authorities shall get in touch with these Nodal Officers and follow the same procedure for conducting the Post Card Campaign as done for the CBSE affiliated schools.
7. CBSE shall issue instructions to all the Principals of CBSE affiliated schools regarding holding of the Post Card Campaign. CBSE shall also circulate detailed guidelines for writing of Post Cards by the students as well as for initial screening to be done by the school authorities, in order to select a maximum of l0 entries per school. Similar directions will also be issued by State Education Department to the DEOs and the Principals of schools affiliated with State Boards. The entire coordination with CBSE shall be handled by Joint Secretary (Instt.) in Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education
.8. The Postal Nodal Officers in each District / Division shall get in touch with the School Nodal Officers and arrange to supply the addressed Post Cards for holding the Post Card Campaign. Specific date or dates shall also be decided with mutual consultation with the school authorities for holding the Post Card writing campaign.
9. School authorities shall hold the Post Card writing campaign in their respective schools on any of the days during the campaign fortnight, and conduct a screening of all the entries in order to shortlist a maximum of l0 Post Cards with the best ideas. These l0 Post Cards shall be scanned and uploaded on the MyGov Portal. A website with the URL
shall be created by the MyGov for the participation of State Boards.
10. The CBSE shall create a website for all CBSE affrliated schools including KVS / JNV. All the specific Post Cards would then be handed over to the Postal Authorities, who shall send it to Nirman Bhawan Post Office, New Delhi through a Special Bag, for delivery to PMO.
11. In case of schools affiliated to State Boards, the only difference in evaluation would be that, instead of CBSE Regional Offices, the evaluation at State level for such schools would be done through SCERT and the entries selected at school level competition shall be uploaded on MyGov Portal.
12. National level evaluation would be done by CBSE for entries from CBSE affiliated schools as well as for entries Aom States.
13. The 16 Regional Offices of CBSE shall shortlist a total of 320 entries received on the CBSE Portal and forward it to CBSE Headquarters, New Delhi for final selection of best entries. The SCERTs in the States shall shortlist l0 entries from each State received on My Gov Portal and forward it to CBSE through the CBSE portal for final selection of 75 best entries from the combined list of CBSE and State Boards. The list of 75 entries will be forwarded to DOP for participation in the final event to be held in the third or fourth week of January,2022.
14. In case of around 250 CBSE schools in 26 countries abroad, CBSE shall provide a list of these schools along with their addresses and details of the Nodal Officers to DoP. DoP shall prepare packets containing the addressed Post Cards for each school and send them to the respective Missions abroad through Category 'A' Diplomatic Bags from Jawaharlal
Nehru Bhawan, New Delhi. Necessary co-ordination with MEA for this purpose shall be done by DOP, so that the Mission is able to send these packets to the schools and also collect them back for transmission to India again through Category 'A' Diplomatic Bags. 15. Reporting by CBSE affiliated schools shall be done in the following format to the relevant Regional Office of CBSE / KVS / JNV
Regional office will compile the above and send to CBSE. 16. SCERTs will also collect similar school-wise report from the respective State Boards and compile and send to NCERT at email
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