Shiva Gopal Mishra Letter for settlement of major outstanding issues of Central Government Employees
Request for settlement of major outstanding issues of Central Government Employees.
Dear Sir,
We in vide your kind attention to the following important issues which were disclosed in the meeting of National Council(ICT) and also in the Standing Committee Meeting which are remaining
unsettled. Vie request you to kindIy intervene in the matter and arrange to issue instructions for implementing the same.
1) Festival Advance
After the Government scrapped various interest free advances including Festival Advance available
to Central Government employees, the Staff demanded that Festival Advance should not be abolished
and the same should continue. The Staffside proposed one month Basic pay of the employee as
interest free Festival Advance to be recovered in 10 easy installments. During Oct. 2020 the
Government took a decision that an amount of Rs. 10,000/-as a package will be paid as advance
through preloaded RuPay Card from SBI valid up to 31/03/2021. After the issue of Department of
Expenditure OM dtd. 12/10/2020, the undersigned on behalf of the staffside have represented for
issuing Government Orders for granting interest free Festival advance fo the Central Government
employees. Subsequently this was discussed in the National Council(ECM) Meeting held under your
Chairmanship and we have also given our consent that Staffside is restricting their demand only for
restoration of Festival Advance. However till date no Government orders is issued in this regard.
It is therefore requested that you may kindly arrange to issue instructions in this regard.
2) Grant of Night Duty Allowance in 7th CPC pav scale without any
pav ceiling
There is serious unrest amongst the employees deputed in Night Shift since Night Duty Allowance is
not paid to the employees whose Basic Pay is more than Rs.43,600/-. It is worth-mentioning here
that, during 6" CPC Hon‘ble Supreme Court has ruled that, Night Duty Allowance should be given to
all the employees deployed on Night Shift, irrespective of any ceiling. Even Arbitration Award is
also in favour of the employees. Therefore, there is no justification in imposing ceiling for
payment of Night Duty Allowance.
It would, therefore, be in all appropriateness that, necessary instructions be issued in this
regard to all the Ministries/Department, to remove ceiling of Rs.43,600/- for payment of Night Duty
Allowance to all the employees who are required to perform Night Duty.
3) Payment of 18 months DA/DR arrears to the Central Govt.
Emplovees and Pensioners.
We have already represented to the Government for releasing of the DA/DR arrears to the Central
Govt. employees and Pensioners w.e.f. 01/0 1/2020, 01/07/2020, 01/0 1/2021. We have also brought
to your kind notice the Judgment of the Hon‘ble Supreme Court of India delivered on 08/02/202 1 in
Civil Appeal No.399 of 202 J (arising out of SLP (C) No. 12553 of 2020. The Hon'ble Supreme Court
has decided that sa/arie5 and pension constitutes the right full entitlement of the employees and
are payable in accordance with Law. The relevant portion of the Judgment is given below for your
kind ready reference.
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