Revision of monitory limit for reporting the loss/ fraud cases to police | DOP Order dated 06.11.2017
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
No. 08/01 Ruling /2014-Inv (Part)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 06. 11.2017
Sub: Revision of monitory limit for reporting the loss/ fraud cases to police - reg.
It is to inform that at present as per Rule-176-A of Postal Manual Vol-V all cases of loss/ fraud involving amount of Rs.5,000/- and above should be reported to police. Further, as per Rule 80 (3) of Postal Manual Vol-III, which was introduced vide amendment issued vide DG Posts letter No. 15/70/87-Vig-III dated 16.01.1989, cases involving loss of substantial public funds are where the loss is (i) Rs.5000 or more in case of departmental employees; (ii) the amount of security deposit or more in the case of Extra Departmental Agents (now Gramin Dak Sevaks).
2. Subsequently, in General Financial Rules-2005, limit of reporting such cases to police was prescribed as above the value of Rs.10,000/-, but the limit in Rules ibid of Postal Manuals remained unchanged.
3. The matter was under consideration of this Directorate for revision of Of aforesaid limit. Now, on introduction of General Financial Rules (GFR)-2017, the said limit of 'above the value of Rs.10,000/-' has been further revised', as per Rule-34 of GFR-2017 which stipulates that 'All losses above the value of Rupees Fifty thousand due to suspected fire, theft, fraud, etc., shall be invariably reported to the Police for Investigation as early as possible'.
4. In view of the above, the Competent Authority has now decided to amend Rule 176 A of Postal Manual Vol-V and Rule-80 (3) of Postal Manual Vol-III, to the following extent:
i. Rule.176-A of Postal Manual Vol-V
The existing first sentence of the rule 'All cases of loss & fraud causing loss of Government property to the tune of Rs. 5000 or above are to be reported to Police and FIRs lodged immediately by the Divisional Superintendents concerned' is replaced with: "All cases of loss & fraud causing loss of Government property where the amount involved exceeds Rs. 50000 or above are to be reported to Police and FIRs lodged immediately by the Divisional Superintendents concerned.
ii. Rule 80(3) of Postal Manual Volume III amended in 1989
In the existing sentence "cases involving loss of substantial public funds are where the loss is (i) Rs.5000 or more in case of departmental employees; (ii) the amount of security deposit or more in the case of Extra Departmental Agents (now Gramin Dak Sevaks) replaced with:
A case involving of substantial public funds is where the amount of loss exceeds Rs.50000/-
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