Resumption of the booking of International Air Parcel and Air Letter mail for USA - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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India Post

Resumption of the booking of International Air Parcel and Air Letter mail for USA

 No. DA-19/7/2O21-DA Government of India. Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (IR & GB Division) ***xx Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi- 110001 Date : 29th December, 2021 

Office Memorandum 

Subject: Resumption of the booking of International Air Parcel and Air Letter mail for USA, The situation of pendency of mail transmitted by air to USA has been reviewed in light of the available capacities on the flights being operated at present and it is accordingly decided to resume the booking of international air parcels and air letter mail as well to USA with effect from 30th of December 2021. As such now booking of all mail categories of mail to USA is operational. 

2. Circles shall bring this to the notice of all customers. The delivery of articles may not be possible as per the delivery standards mentioned in Citizens' Charter of India Post or the standards agreed and published otherwise, due to the limited capacities available as a result of ongoing ban on scheduled

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