Reimbursement of cancellation/reschedule charges for air/train tickets booked for the purpose of LTC and relaxation of LTC advance due to COVID- 19 pandemic - clarification regarding | DOP Order
Reimbursement of cancellation/reschedule charges for air/train tickets booked for the purpose of LTC and relaxation of LTC advance due to COVID- 19 pandemic - clarification regarding.
F.No. PP'20/2/2020-PAP. Government of India Ministry of Communication. Department of Posts Establishment Division/P.A.P Section.
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 1100 01 Date: 25th November, 2021.
Sir/Madam, I am directed to forward herewith a copy of the Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions office memorandum No. 31011/1/2020-Estt (A.IV) dated 23.11.2021 on the subject cited above for kind information and further necessary action in this regard. This OM may be read along with DOP&T's OM no. 31011/01/2020 Estt (A.IV) dated 07.01.2021 and 05.02.2021 circulated vide this office letter of even number dated 14.01.2021 and 17 .02.2027 respectively.
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